A prompt library for Rust. Based on huh? for Go. Maintained by @jdx and @roele.
- Single-line text input with variable prompt and placeholder
- Auto-complete suggestions with
- Validate input with a custom closure
Run example with cargo run --example input
use demand::Input;
fn main() {
let notempty_minlen = |s: &str| {
if s.is_empty() {
return Err("Name cannot be empty");
if s.len() < 8 {
return Err("Name must be at least 8 characters");
let t = Input::new("What's your name?")
.description("We'll use this to personalize your experience.")
.placeholder("Enter your name")
.prompt("Name: ")
"Adam Grant",
"Danielle Steel",
"Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf",
"Robert De Niro",
"Ronaldo Rodrigues de Jesus",
"Sarah Michelle Gellar",
"Yael Naim",
"Zack Snyder",
let i = t.run().expect("error running input");
Run example with cargo run --example input-password
use demand::Input;
fn main() {
let t = Input::new("Set a password")
.placeholder("Enter password")
.prompt("Password: ")
let i = t.run().expect("error running input");
Select from a list of options.
Run example with cargo run --example select
use demand::{DemandOption, Select};
fn main() {
let ms = Select::new("Toppings")
.description("Select your topping")
.option(DemandOption::new("Charm Sauce"))
.option(DemandOption::new("Vegan Cheese"))
ms.run().expect("error running select");
Select multiple options from a list.
Run example with cargo run --example multiselect
use demand::{DemandOption, MultiSelect};
fn main() {
let ms = MultiSelect::new("Toppings")
.description("Select your toppings")
.option(DemandOption::new("Charm Sauce"))
.option(DemandOption::new("Vegan Cheese"))
ms.run().expect("error running multi select");
Confirm a question with a yes or no.
Run example with cargo run --example confirm
use demand::Confirm;
fn main() {
let ms = Confirm::new("Are you sure?")
let yes = ms.run().expect("error running confirm");
Spinners are used to indicate that a process is running.
Run example with cargo run --example spinner
use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration};
use demand::{Spinner, SpinnerStyle};
fn main() {
Spinner::new("Loading Data...")
.run(|| {
.expect("error running spinner");
Supply your own custom theme or choose from one of the predefined themes:
Derive a custom theme from the default theme.
let theme = Theme {
selected_prefix: String::from(" •"),
selected_prefix_fg: Theme::color_rgb(2, 191, 135),
unselected_prefix: String::from(" "),
Input::new("What's your e-mail?")
.description("Please enter your e-mail address.")
.expect("error running input")?;
Default if colors are enabled in the console.
Default if colors are NOT enabled in the console.
The name of this library is inspired by a great mistranslation that soured US-French relations in 1830. In French, the verb "demander" means "to ask".