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I manage my dotfiles currently for Arch Linux machine. The XDG Base Directory Specification was followed as much as possible.

Tools I use a lot

List of all tools I install by default on any Arch Linux machines could be found in the packages.csv file. I have an ansible script which iterates over this file, therefore then installs all the tools.

Configs list

(*) - Tools I use.

Type Program
App Launcher dmenu (*) / rofi
Hotkey Daemon sxhkd
Image Viewer nsxiv
Notification Daemon dunst
Shell zsh
Status Bar dwmblocks (*) / polybar
Screenshot Tool Custom script
System Information Tool Custom script
Terminal alacritty (*) / urxvt
Text Editor neovim
Window Manager dwm (*) / i3
Terminal Multiplexer tmux

All configs will be symlinked to ~/.config/ folder. Useful scripts stored in ~/.local/bin folder and symlinked to ~/.local/bin folder. Environment variables have been set in .zprofile file.


Everything you need to do is just to execute the setup script. It only loops through all the config files and symlinks them.

$ bash setup




  • The ~/.zprofile file MUST be in the $HOME directory, however, the rest of the zsh config files live in ~/.config/zsh/.
  • I highly recommend you do not copy these dotfiles. If you want to use them, read through them and understand how they work. Then take the parts of them that are relevant to your workflow.