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This library is intended to supply an event interface to javascript objects using a Mixin pattern. The library is designed with encapsulation and uninterupptability in mind. This means a broken function will not stop the event loop (on modern browsers).


  1. Easy to integrate - can be used as a mixin, thus making it easy to integrate with any existing codebase.
  2. Fast - On modern browsers (FF, Chrome, Safari and IE > 8) the library uses costume DOM events to handle the events.
  3. Encapsulated - When used on modern browsers, broken functions will not break the event loop.
  4. Supports creating pseudo events (like :once and :latched).
  5. Comes with built in useful utilities.
  6. Cross-browser - falls back to a more standard costume events handler.


The simplest way to enable events support is like this:

function MyObject(){;

This method will introduce the entire events API onto the object. You could also create an instance of the object:

var ev = new Events();

Or, if you wish, you could always inherit it:

obj.prototype = new Events();


###addEvent(type, fn) Adds a listener. When fired, the function will be passed an event object, with 2 parameters:

  1. args - arguments that were passed by dispatcher.
  2. dispatcher - the object dispatching the event
    e.dispatcher; //obj
    e.args; //whatever arguments were passed

###fireEvent(type, args) Dispathces an event, passing arguments:

obj.fireEvent('show', {counter:1});

###removeEvent(type, fn) Removes a listener.

obj.removeEvent('show', this.bound.handleShow);

###addEventOnce(type, fn) Same as addEvent only it will remove the listener automatically once dispatched.

##Pseudo events The library supports a few pseudo events out of the box:

  1. :once - when used event will be added once.
  2. :latched - see latched section
  3. :times(number) - same as once, only it will execute X times (as passed by parameter).
  4. :delayed(ms) - on fireEvent, will delay X miliseconds before firing the event. On addEvent will delay each execution of specific function.
obj.addEvent('test:once', function(){/* ... */ });


obj.addEvent('test:times(5)', fn);

You can also add your own pseudo events, by adding them to Events.Pseudoes. In order to create a new pseudo-event, add an object to the collection, containing either addEvent method, fireEvent method or both. You can even add a parameter to the pseudo-event. For example:

Events.Pseudoes.delayed = {
    addEvent : function(type, fn, time){
        this.addEvent(type, function(){
            setTimeout(fn, time);

This will allow you to do:

obj.addEvent('test:delayed(1000)', fn);//will add a delayed event

The addEvent and fireEvent methods will be fired instead of the default methods. It's arguments will be the same as their default, with a third argument, which is the passed pseudo-parameter (if any).

##Latched events Latched events are events that once fired once will dispatch automatically afterwards. Examples for such events can be a 'load' event, or a 'domready' event. If any arguments were passed, they will be passed on as well. For example:


//will be fire automatically
obj.addEvent('load', function(e){
    e.args.someParam; //a

##Cleanup In case you want to ensure cleanup, the Mixin automatically listens to the destroy event and cleans itself up for destruction


An Event provider for Javascript







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