Releases: Wassimulator/CactusViewer
v2.2.1 Windows x64 03/06/2024 patch
Fixed a crash when opening a file in a large folder, and resolving a perf issue with the thumbs bar
By @Aidanboneham in #45
this update fixes #44 crashes caused by array limits, by introducing a new array type, also improves performance in folders with many files.
Thanks to @Aidanboneham for this PR!
v2.2.0 Windows x64 20/05/2024 Major
This release introduces a major new feature to Cactus Viewer:
Interactable thumbnail preview strip of current images in the folder (á la Picasa)
This feature is inspired by Google Picasa, which had something like this, a non-intrusive UI strip of thumbnails at the bottom that provided a nice overview of the images in the folder and allows you to jump between files visually. This feature is toggleable in the settings.
Other new additions:
- Added .ppm support through #42, thanks @hkva for the great work!
Note: The thumbnail strip feature is fairly new and involves using WIC to generate thumbnails of the files in the folder and upload them to the GPU, this is done on a separate thread and goes prograde and retrograde of the current file, I've ironed out the bugs I could find but you might discover something I didn't, please consider reporting any issues you can find by creating a GitHub issue here. In case the feature proves broken for you, there's a setting for it in the config menu to turn it off and in the json config in APPDATA under "settings_preview_thumbs".
v2.1.7 Windows x64 12/05/2024 Patch
This patch fixes a crash case caused by memory corruption through unsafe use of swprintf, through #41
Thanks to @hkva for the fix!
v2.1.6 Windows x64 12/05/2024 Patch
This minor update adds features requested in #39
- Added option to always start in fullscreen mode, togglable in the config menu.
- Added option to always show GUI, togglable in the config menu.
v2.1.5 Windows x64 07/05/2024 Patch
This update includes a few QOL features and some bug fixes. These include:
- Cactus now grabs the font file from the system, and no longer has to include the ttf file inside of it, dropping the exe size significantly to 2.7 MB.
- Introducing a simple installer that allows to easily add Cactus to start menu, desktop, add an "Open with CactusViewer" button to the right-click context menu, and associate common image extensions with Cactus. Using Inno Setup scripts added to the repo (improvements to that are very welcome!). Note: this is optional, you can still just use the exe directly with no setup.
- Config file is now in JSON format, this allows to edit settings in the file directly and helps making setting changes backward compatible in the future.
- Added a setting for selecting how an image is zoomed when first open and the settings to "save zoom for each image" is selected, you can now have it either fill the window or zoom to 1:1.
- Added a feature where you can choose the format of the color you copy using the color picker, including Hex, RGB and HSVm with different parenthesis styles. Introduced by @Orcenhaze in #35.
- Fixed commandline loading issues in #25 by @Orcenhaze in #35.
- Fixed the issue of the status bar being 1 pixel too small on the edges which allowed to see the image in the back at the bottom too.
Thanks to @Orcenhaze for the contributions to this release!
v2.1.4 Windows x64 14/04/2024 Patch
- Added the ability to copy images with its current editing to clipboard, thanks to @hkva for this great feature.
- Added navigation with mouse forward and backward buttons to flip through images in a folder.
v2.1.3 Windows x64 18/12/2023 Patch
A little update that makes the viewer redraw the window responsively upon resizing
v2.1.2 Windows x64 14/11/2023 Patch
v2.1.1 Windows x64 08/10/2023 Patch
This small patch brings a few minor additions suggested and were quickly doable:
- Fixed a bug where the program might hoard RAM upon loading images due to uncomitted memory.
- New themes, including now: "Cactus Green", "Cyber Blue", "Dark Purple", "Crimson Black", and "Ice White".
- Buttons to reload the folder and shuffle the order of files in the viewer (not in the folder itself).
- Button to fit the image within the window inner frame.
- Toggleable option to hide status bar and only show upon mouse hover with the rest of the UI.
v2.1.0 Windows x64 15/09/2023
This update brings a number of new editing features and fixes a few bugs.
New Features:
Image Cropping:
You can now crop the image in view in crop mode, using the C button or from the edit
menu at the bottom left. Cropping also preserved on image rotation.
Gaussian Blur:
You can also run a blur effect on open images with tweakable samples and scale values.
Image saving:
You can save all editing done to the image including cropping, blur effects, and changes to image color values to an image file on disc, supporting a few common image codecs: BMP, PNG, TIFF, DDS, and HEIF (this last one needs the codec installed from MS store).
Redraw only on events:
The program no longer updates at a fixed FPS, now it only updates on relevant events and uses no resources on idle.
Improved Histogram Rendering:
Rendering histograms as lines instead of filled bars which improves readability.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that causes loading an unsupported file format to crash the program.
- Fixed some memory leaks related to folder scanning.
- Fixed a bug where zooming down in histograms can cause it to get stuck and scroll back won't work.
Thank you very much for following this project! It started out of frustration with current image viewer alternatives, and it has grown far larger than I had initially imagined! I am still working on requested features, and reported bugs. Some take longer and require more radical change than others, so I appreciate your patience.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any issues, questions or thoughts.