As a company you want to enable your developers to use open source software, and as a developer you want the flexibility of using both whole components and re-using files or partial code snippets originating from open source projects.
This project exisits to show my passion for coding. It has been built with all my favorite libraries, languages and dependencies. I was motivated to put together a clean application that showcased the abilities of some of the most lucrative programming that's on the web today. I plan on periodically updating this page with fun new components and features to grow and develop my skillset in the information technology industry. As a web developer my abilities will only mature with my ability to learn and practice my skills when sharing them with the world.
- @auth0/auth0-react: ^1.8.0,
- @emotion/react: ^11.7.1,
- @emotion/styled: ^11.6.0,
- @material-ui/core: ^4.12.3,
- @material-ui/icons: ^4.11.2,
- @material-ui/lab: ^4.0.0-alpha.60,
- @mui/lab: ^5.0.0-alpha.61,
- @mui/material: ^5.2.4,
- @popperjs/core: ^2.11.0,
- @types/react-select: ^5.0.0,
- axios: ^0.24.0,
- body-parser: ^1.19.1,
- bootstrap: ^5.1.3,
- bootstrap-icons: ^1.7.2,
- concurrently: ^6.5.1,
- cors: ^2.8.5,
- express: ^4.17.2,
- file-saver: ^2.0.5,
- grapesjs: ^0.17.29,
- gsap: ^3.9.0,
- jquery: ^3.6.0,
- moment: ^2.29.1,
- mongodb: ^4.2.2,
- mongoose: ^6.1.2,
- node-sass: ^7.0.0,
- nodemon: ^2.0.15,
- react: ^17.0.2,
- react-code-blocks: 0.0.9-0,
- react-country-flag: ^3.0.2,
- react-datepicker: ^4.5.0,
- react-dom: ^17.0.2,
- react-moment: ^1.1.1,
- react-redux: ^7.2.6,
- react-router-dom: ^5.2.0,
- react-scripts: 5.0.0,
- react-select: ^5.2.1,
- react-to-print: ^2.14.2,
- redux-devtools-extension: ^2.13.9,
- redux-thunk: ^2.4.1,
- sass: ^1.45.1
npm i
npm start
React is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework for building an intuitive and interactive user interface. It is widely adopted and a top choice among developers because of its great performance and simplicity in the rapid development of Single-Page Applications.
MongoDB is a schema-less NoSQL database that can receive and store data in JSON-like documents. It takes away the idea of thinking and visualizing a database table in rows and columns. It allows you to be more productive by building JavaScript applications in a JSON format, making it not strange to any JavaScript developer. It supports arrays and nested objects values and allows for flexible and dynamic schemas. It is often used with Mongoose, an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library, that helps to manage relationships between data and provides schema validations.
TypeScript, as described on its official website, is a superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript. It was designed and developed to help improve the productivity of developers when building large and complex programs by adding extra features that ensure the successful development of awesome applications with fewer bugs.
- Joshua M Small
- GitHub Profile
- [email protected]