A very performant and light (6mb in memory) link shortener and tracker. Written in Rust and React and uses Postgres.
First configure .env.example and save it to .env
If DATABASE_URL is set, it will connect to a Postgres DB. If blank, it will use an sqlite db in /data
#set api-domain to where you will be deploying the link shortener, eg: link.example.com, default is localhost:8080
git clone https://github.com/waveringana/simplelink && cd simplelink
./build.sh api-domain=localhost:8080
cargo run
On an empty database, an admin-setup-token.txt is created as well as pasted into the terminal output. This is needed to make the admin account.
Alternatively if you want a binary form
./build.sh --binary
then check /target/release for the binary named SimpleGit
docker build --build-arg API_URL=http://localhost:8080 -t simplelink .
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-e JWT_SECRET=change-me-in-production \
-v simplelink_data:/data \
Adjust the included docker-compose.yml to your liking; it includes a postgres config as well.