Releases: WeBankBlockchain/WeCross-BCOS3-Stub
Releases · WeBankBlockchain/WeCross-BCOS3-Stub
WeCross-BCOS3-Stub v1.4.0
- 更新版本依赖,修复安全问题 #30
What's Changed
- : we cross proxy wasm contract listXATransactions bug by @HelloAldis in #23
- (verify): fix merkle validation call twice bug. by @kyonRay in #24
- (code): sync code from 1.3.1 by @kyonRay in #25
- (driver): add bcos block and tx timestamp. by @kyonRay in #26
- (contract): add interchain get block demo contract. by @kyonRay in #27
- : uint out of range bug, by @HelloAldis in #28
- (ClientWrapper): add block transactions details by @hanlinbo123 in #29
- (build): update spring, guava and java sdk deps. by @kyonRay in #30
- (build): update build for secure issues. by @kyonRay in #31
- Release v1.4.0 by @kyonRay in #33
- (project): update 1.4.0 changelog. by @kyonRay in #34
New Contributors
- @hanlinbo123 made their first contribution in #29
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
WeCross-BCOS3-Stub v1.3.1
- 支持FISCO BCOS 3.+ WASM执行版本。
- 修复FISCO BCOS 3.2.0之前版本节点的兼容性问题。
What's Changed
- fix verify proof bug by @yinghuochongfly in #13
- update for merge SM and nonSM plugin together. by @tiangang1126 in #14
- Feature 1.3.1 by @HelloAldis in #15
- : fix stub generate connection configuration missing wasm files issue by @HelloAldis in #16
- remove unused classname when deploy liquid contract。 by @HelloAldis in #18
- (driver): fix remote deploy wasm bug. by @kyonRay in #19
- (custom): fix bcos deploy wasm bug. by @kyonRay in #20
- Release 1.3.1 by @kyonRay in #22
New Contributors
- @yinghuochongfly made their first contribution in #13
- @tiangang1126 made their first contribution in #14
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
WeCross-BCOS3-Stub v1.3.0
What's Changed
- (project): init project. by @kyonRay in #1
- (project): support FISCO BCOS 3.+ by @JyFangYang in #2
- (account): fix account type bug. by @kyonRay in #3
- code review fix by @JyFangYang in #5
- (contracts): adapt contract to solc 0.5, for compatibility with console. by @kyonRay in #6
- change listBFSInfo method by @JyFangYang in #7
- (build): fix bcos3 stub cause netty conflict bug. by @kyonRay in #8
- (project): release 1.3.0 by @kyonRay in #9
- (project): upgrade wecross stub to 1.3.0. by @kyonRay in #10
- change Proxy: by @HelloAldis in #11
- (build): upgrade dependencies. by @kyonRay in #12
New Contributors
- @kyonRay made their first contribution in #1
- @JyFangYang made their first contribution in #2
- @HelloAldis made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: