Welcome to Weblearning on GitHub. This is where we (well its me at the moment) document, publish and collaborate on the Open Umbrella ☂️.
I’m not an academic, influencer, tech bro or weather forecaster. I’m an ed techie. A teacher who likes using technology. Whether you are teaching remotely, on campus or in a hybrid space. I think you would probably agree, there ALWAYS seems to be a digital storm brewing.
There are many ways. They will reveal themselves as you begin your journey. But the best pace to start is by visiting the open umbrella itself. Educators and technologists from all over the world are welcome to contribute to the open umbrella 🌍 You can make this project better doing the following. You might ...
- discover the project Open Umbrella
- engage and annotate by using Hypothes.is
- share this work with department colleagues, personal learning networks Substack
- lead and assist with a community of Ed / Techies who are unfurling the open umbrella on GitHub (GitHub.com/web-learning)
If you are neither an edtechie or ID, You can report mistakes and errors, create more content, etc.
You are most welcome to join the community work via GitHub. Whatever is your background, there is a way to contribute: via the GitHub website, via command-line or even without dealing with GitHub
All are welcome, and there's never a stupid question.
I believe that by using KIFF pedagogy we can build better, educators informed tools that contribute to the class !
🏅 This is a presentation that I gave at the end of my Open Seeds mentorship. It is entitled “Preparing for the next storm” and I ask the question whether we should be looking at “Disruption or Incremental Innovation”. In the presentation I suggest a process by which the Open Umbrella may be “unfurled”. This presentation was given as the capstone graduation event of Cohort 8 of the Open Seeds programme. It is the culmination of a 16 week mentorship journey run by openlifesci.
🌂 This is a Lighting talk that I gave for Creative Commones. The title for the short talk is "Unfurling the Open Umbrella". You can see this as a YouTube Video.