A WebSub Subscriber implementation written in Swift for usage with 💧 Vapor.
- 100: HTTP header discovery - discovers the hub and self URLs from HTTP headers
- 101: HTML tag discovery - discovers the hub and self URLs from the HTML
tags - 102: Atom feed discovery - discovers the hub and self URLs from the XML
tags - 103: RSS feed discovery - discovers the hub and self URLs from the XML
tags - 104: Discovery priority - prioritizes the hub and self in HTTP headers over the links in the body
- 1xx: Successfully creates a subscription
- 200: Subscribing to a URL that reports a different rel=self
- 201: Subscribing to a topic URL that sends an HTTP 302 temporary redirect
- 202: Subscribing to a topic URL that sends an HTTP 301 permanent redirect
- 203: Subscribing to a hub that sends a 302 temporary redirect
- 204: Subscribing to a hub that sends a 301 permanent redirect
- 205: Rejects a verification request with an invalid topic URL
- 1xx: Requests a subscription using a secret (optional)
- Please select the signature method(s) that the subscriber recognizes. All methods listed below are currently acceptable for the hub to choose:
- sha1
- sha256
- sha384
- sha512
- 1xx: Requests a subscription with a specific
(optional, hub may ignore) - Callback URL is unique per subscription (should)
- Callback URL is an unguessable URL (should)
- 1xx: Sends an unsubscription request
- 300: Returns HTTP 2xx when the notification payload is delivered
- 1xx: Verifies a valid signature for authenticated distribution
- 301: Rejects a distribution request with an invalid signature
- 302: Rejects a distribution request with no signature when the subscription was made with a secret
To integrate WebSubSubscriber
into your project, specify it in your Package.swift
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/WebSubKit/websub-subscriber.git", from: "0.12.0"),
targets: [
dependencies: [
.product(name: "WebSubSubscriber", package: "websub-subscriber"),
try await app.autoMigrate()
struct SubscriberController: SubscriberRouteCollection {
let path: PathComponent = ""
func receiving(from request: Request, received: (validPayload: Request, subscription: SubscriptionModel)) async throws -> Response {
// handle the delivered payload here ...
return Response(status: .noContent)
try app.register(collection: SubscriberController())
GET (path)/subscribe
-> discover topic and hub, called by user to create a new subscription to a topic via the advertised hub by the publisher
GET (path)/callback/(unique-subscription-id)
-> verify the subscription, called by the hub to verify the requested subscription
POST (path)/callback/(unique-subscription-id)
-> receive payload from the hub, called by the hub to deliver payload published by the publisher