Installation kali in VMware Set up a virtual machine on your computer( virtual box / vmware ) and install kali in vertual machine :-
1.Vertual Machine : It is used to run two or more Operating System in same device , there are some platform which provide these features like Vertual box and Vmware etc .
These two platform are commanly used for making vertual machine.
linux :- linux is an open source operating system , anyone can change code as per their requirments and make there own distriobution , their are many of distrobution in market. EX:- Arch Linux , Ubuntu , linux mint , Kali Linux , Fedora Red hat linux, Red hat linuxRed hat linux etc.
Today we make vertual kali linux machine using VMware
Installation:- Vertualbox :- VMware :- Kali ISO File :-
1.Download and install VMware in windows and as per your operating system 2.Download Kali iso file ( Remember: Install .iso file ) 3.Open VMware and clink new and crate a new vertual machine