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Update build-kernel-a12.yml #9

Update build-kernel-a12.yml

Update build-kernel-a12.yml #9

name: Build GKI Kernels With KernelSU-Next & SUSFS
push: # Triggered on push to any branch or specific branches if you wish
- main # Example: Only trigger on push to 'main' branch, or adjust to your needs
- '*/*' # Optionally, you can add wildcard to trigger on any branch
workflow_dispatch: # Manually triggered workflow
# Build Android 12 GKI Kernel
uses: ./.github/workflows/build-kernel-a12.yml # Reference the build workflow you created for Android 12 GKI
secrets: inherit # Inherit any secrets you need (if required)
# Other steps of your release workflow (e.g., packaging, deployment, etc.)
# Add additional steps here if needed
# e.g., upload artifacts, deploy, etc.