An x86 Windows, header only library for changing the _ReturnAddress location of a function. The primary goal of SafeCall is have the _ReturnAddress change in an extremely stealthy matter. The library by default includes various useful functions apart from the primary implementation to be more secure. i.e: GetExport
and GetModule
. I believe it's very important to not call nor use any WindowsAPI functions to be even more discreet.
Note to more advanced users: If you'd like to be even more secretive, you can hash the strings that SafeCall imports. I've decided not to do this to keep the implementation minimal.
- The implementation of SafeCall is meant to be simple and easy for anybody! All you have to do is take the code from SafeCall.h and paste it into your project.
- Windows (x86, x64)
- DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
- EXE (Executable)
C++14, Legacy C Language Standard.
SafeCall has 4 available macros; they look like this:
- STDCALL is for __stdcall functions. You want to use this on WinAPI functions such as, MessageBoxA, VirtualProtect, ExitProcess, etc.
- THISCALL is for __thiscall functions. __thiscall Functions are by default, class member functions in x86. It's the default convention used by member functions that don't use variable arguments.
- FASTCALL is for __fastcall functions. This is a calling convention that specifices that arguments to functions are to be passed in registers when possible. Of course, It attempts have execution quicker.
- CDECL is for __cdecl functions. This convention type is Microsoft specific. It's the default convention for C & C++ programs. It can do vararg functions.
Example usage of SafeCall:
#include <Windows.h>
#include "SafeCall.h"
#define LOG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
class VirtualStuff
virtual int GetEntityCount()
return 128;
inline uintptr_t GetVirtual(void* classBase, size_t index)
return static_cast<uintptr_t>((*static_cast<int**>(classBase))[index]);
int main()
while (!GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"))
LOG("[+] Found user32.dll\n");
VirtualStuff* exampleClass = new VirtualStuff();
void* virtualFunctionAddress = (void*)GetVirtual(exampleClass, 0);
LOG("[+] GetEntityCount address: 0x%p\n", virtualFunctionAddress);
auto GetEntityCountSpoofed = [](void* vfuncAddy) -> int
return SafeCall::Type::Stdcall<int>(uintptr_t(vfuncAddy), SafeCall::Address::GetGadget("user32.dll"));
LOG("[+] Player count: %i\n", GetEntityCountSpoofed(virtualFunctionAddress));
SafeCall::Type::Stdcall<int>(SafeCall::Address::GetExport("user32.dll", "MessageBoxA"), SafeCall::Address::GetGadget("user32.dll"), nullptr, "Spoofed call", "Alert", MB_OK);