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Carter Hinsley edited this page Nov 7, 2015 · 1 revision

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  • Fork woodnsword-registrar.
  • Follow Effective Go conventions.
  • Use gofmt!
  • Make one commit for every atomic change you make. Do not try to sneak in extra changes.
  • Ensure that your commit message's summary line is an imperative sentence with no ending punctuation.
  • Write an thoroughly descriptive commit message for your changes, unless absolutely unnecessary (such as when removing accidental extra spaces). Wrap your message's subject line to 50 columns, and its body lines to 72 columns.
  • Write tests for your code. More info on this coming soon.
  • Make a pull request to the appropriate upstream branch. Include a thorough description of your changes.
  • Wait for one of the reviewers to look at your PR and either merge it or give feedback which you should adapt to.

Thank you for contributing!

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