fast,easy and static and dynamic
Many times when we use json as a protocol, we know the definition of each key in advance. When dealing with some high-frequency protocols, we have every reason to define the protocol structure in advance, so that we can get very high parsing speed and Speed of fetching. This is also completely consistent with the design idea of C++, a static language. But to ensure the freedom of the json protocol, the library also supports dynamic expansion of the protocol content at runtime.
Easy. You don't need any other third tools, just one header file
Fast. The time complexity of getting the value is O(1) and the time complexity of parsing is O(n)
Static define. You can define the structure like usual, only a tiny difference
Dynamic expansion. You can dynamic expanding the static define --todo
STL support. support the common STL container
简单. 不需要依赖任何第三方工具,只有一个头文件
快速. 取值的时间复杂的为O(1),解析的时间复杂度是O(n)
静态定义. 你可以像往常一样定义静态结构,只有微小的区别
动态拓展. 你可以动态的拓展你的静态定义
标准库支持. 支持常用的标准库容器
static define
#include "static_json.h>
bool N(a);
int N(b);
double N(c);
float N(d);
string N(e);
vector<int> N(f);
vector<string> N(g);
int N(a);
Test2 N(h);
vector<Test2> N(i);
Test test;
string res;
If you know the structure of json in advance and want to convert to C++ structure, you can open toc.html in the project with a browser
"req_time": "2020-08-05 01:50:31",
"req_body": {
"idNumber": [
"mobile": [
"driverLicenseNumber": [
string N(req_time);
vector<string> N(idNumber);
vector<string> N(mobile);
vector<string> N(driverLicenseNumber);
req_body_t N(req_body);
In nativejson-benchmark, there is a comparison of the speed of various json parsing libraries, but the test only parse the three large files once and compare the speeds. This is inconsistent with the actual situation in the project, in actual projects, there are generally more simple protocols with high frequency, so I think there is a need for stress testing, so as to better reflect the construction/destruction speed, analysis speed, and value speed of the parser.
在 nativejson-benchmark 中有比较各种json解析库的速度,不过看了下只对那三个大文件解析一次并进行速度对比,这和项目中的实际情况是不符合的,在实际项目中一般出现比较多的都是高频率的简单协议,所以我觉得还需要有压力测试,这样才能更好的反应解析器的构造/析构速度,解析速度,和取值速度。
For simplicity, I will compare with the best-performing rapidjson, my computer(Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19GHz 64bit 8GB)
为了简单,我就和其中表现最好的rapidjson进行对比,我的电脑配置(Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19GHz 64bit 8GB)
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define R(...) #__VA_ARGS__
void perf_test(string name, size_t t, function<void()> f) {
clock_t startTime, endTime;
startTime = clock();
for (size_t i = 0; i < t; i++)
endTime = clock();
cout << name << ":" << endTime - startTime << "ms" << endl;
Under x64 release, a single double data will be constructed/destructed, parsed, and valued 100000000 times
在x64 release 下对单个double数据进行100000000次解析器的构造/析构,解析,和取值
perf_test("perf test", 100000000, []()->void {
Document d;
d.Parse(R({ "d":123.34545435345534534 }));
double res = d["d"].GetDouble();
perf test:55672ms
Json(Float) {
double N(d);
perf_test("perf test", 100000000, []()->void {
Float f;
double res = f.d;
perf test:19737ms