Repository for the Applied Cognitive Science Project at TU Darmstadt WS2019/2020
What must be done to run our project scripts:
- Make sure to have the requirements listed in ./requirements.txt installed on your system
- E.g. run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Depending on your operating system and your software, you might need to install other versions of the package. Installing the latest versions of the packages via pip or conda should work just fine.
- The package pdf2image is contained in the poppler package. On MacOS, install it via "conda install -c conda-forge poppler" (preferred) or "brew install poppler". On Linux, you most of the time don't need it, if you do install the "poppler-utils" package.
In case you want to add a subject:
- Add a folder in ./assets/subjects/ called 'subject_XXXX/' (replace XXXX by the subject's vpn code
- Add the scans or photos of the filled questionnaire to a subfolder of this folder labeled ../subject_XXXX/raw/
- Add a .csv file containing the subject's answers, labeled ../subject_XXXX/raw/subject_XXXX_answers.csv
- Add the subject to assets/demographics.csv
- Run ./src/ to let our scripts process the questionnaires and save preprocessed data in in ./assets/subjects/subject_XXXX/pdfs/ and ./assets/subjects/subject_XXXX/analysis/.
For evaluation you can choose between three different scripts:
- ./src/
- ./src/
- ./src/
- Results are saved in ./assets/plots/