The project Life Notes is a web app the helps people to take four main types of records of their life altogether in one app, and also provides visualization and some intelligence features.
The minimum viable product would be a app that enables user to write their diaries and record their transactions. Additional features in diaries enable users to tag their diaries, and generate the most frequently used tags. For the part of account book, additional features include allowing users to search for their transactions, generating a chart pies based on the users' spendings, and sorting the spendings based on dates or amounts.
Zhuofeng Wang, Yaolin Zhang, Tianle Ye, Susan Liu, Yiming Yu
It's kind of too tedious to have so many different apps to manage in our life. Therefore, we had this idea to create an app to merge things like diary and account book into one. The project idea was proposed for the class Software Engineering in September 2021.