Godot4 Gdextension plugin that allows one to instance thousands of projectiles using Godot's Rendering2DServer and Physics2DServer.
- Extend the
to specify your callbacks.
extends ProjectileConfig
class_name UserExtendedProjectileConfig
func _on_area_collided(area: Area2D, collision_data: Dictionary, metadata: Variant) -> bool:
print("Hello Area!")
func _on_body_collided(body: Body2D, collision_data: Dictionary, metadata: Variant) -> bool:
print("Hello body!")
func _on_projectile_removed(collision_data: Dictionary, metadata: Variant) -> bool:
print("Goodbay cruel world!")
- Create your ProjectileConfig. Specify Trajectory type, Propagation Mode, Display Type and following required resources along all the other data.
- Spawn your projectile!
extends Node2D
class_name MyCaster
var canvas: RID = self.get_world_2d().canvas
var space: RID = self.get_world_2d().space
var projectile_transform: Transform2D = self.current_muzzle.get_global_transform()
var exclude: Array[RID] = [self.get_rid()]
projectile_config, # config
canvas, # World2D canvas
space, # World2D physics space
self # Metadata attached to given projectile that can be used in callbacks.