Spotify clone with webSDK you could do almost everything with this project that you are doing in spotify
Technologies that are used in this project (vue.js ,node.js,mongoDB,js,html5,css)
This project made with Node.js 14.18.2
#Contents of README
- What is in this repository ?
- Installing Packages
- Connect mongoDb
- Integration with Spotify
- Spotify clone
- New Track algorithm for spotify search Go to file
- Web Playback SDK usage Go to file
- Avarage image color finder Go to File
- Progress bar Go to File
- Drag Drop without libary Go to File
- Spotify Player Go to File
- Spotify Player Fullscreen Go To File
- Infinite Scroll Go to File
- Search by keyup Go to file
- Spotify Loaders Go to Folder
- Get current queue Go to File
-If you dont have node installed on your computer please download node
First of all, you need to open two terminals,
path one must go to the front and the other must go to the back,
then you need to use the npm install
code in both of these separate terminals.
First of all Login or sign-up mongodb from here
After creating a project or cluster you will see a screen like this please click connect after that we will see a pop-up like this
After that you will see a screen like this please copy the string and past it your code
After that we are good to go
Login or Register
Then on the dashboard page please click the create an app button
- Here is the example of filled pop up
- After creating a app click to app created app and then we will see a page like this get the client ID and client secret for api
- Then we should paste the client id and secret on app js
After you need to open two terminals,path one must go to the front and the other must go to the back
on your backend root please type
nodemon app
on your front root please type
npm run serve
Then Please go to your root localhost:5000/get for getting a token from spotify After all we are good to go
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Repo owner