MSolve library that support the spatial discretization method of Isogeometric Analysis.
Readers: Custom file readers are supported for readding an isogeometric model from file
- .iga File reader. Generates an isogeometric model from Isogeometric Analysis files exported from Autodesk T-Spline plug-in fro Rhino. This reader support the generation of both planar T-Splines 2D geometries as well as T-Splines shells.
- Custom file readers. Used for reading isogeometric files from custom .txt files. It can be used for 2D and 3D Nurbs geometries and Nurbs shells models.
Shape functions:
- Non-uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). One, two and three dimension shape functions are supported.
- T-Splines from Bezier extraction. Utiling the exported format from .iga files T-Spline shape functions are calculated with the aid of the extraction operator.
Elements: Both continuum and shell elements are supported. Specifically:
Continuum Elements
- Nurbs Element 1D: One-dimensional continuum element based on NURBS shape functions. It is utilized for calculation of boundary loads on edges of isogeometric patches.
- Nurbs Element 2D: Two-dimensional continuum element based on tensor product NURBS. It is used for both the analysis of plane-stress/plane strain models and the calculation of surface boundary loads in case of three-dimensional isogeometric models.
- Nurbs Element 3D: Three dimensional continuum element based on tensor product NURBS.
- T-Spline 2D: They are based on Bezier extraction feature provided by T-Spline plug-in for Rhino.
Structural Elements
- Nurbs Kirchhoff-Love Shell Element: Structural shell element utilizing NURBS based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory for thin-shells. Geometrically linear formulation.
- T-Spline Kirchhoff-Love Shell Element: Structural shell element utilizing T-Splines based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory for thin-shells. Geometrically linear formulation supporting both plane-stress materials, as well as arbitrary 3D materials such as elastoplasticity by providing a throught thickness integration regime.
Loading conditions:
- Neumann boundary condition: Distributed load that can be applied to edges and surfaces of NURBS models. The user can pick the surface/edge as well as the distribution of the load for each direction that can vary spatially.
- Pressure boundary conditions: Load that can be applied normal to edges and surfaces of NURBS models. The user can pick the surface/edge as well as the distribution of the normal load magnitude that can vary spatially.
Paraview export: Exports the following models in a Paraview file.
- Nurbs 2D/3D
- Nurbs shells
- T-Splines 2D
- T-Spline shells
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Double click on MSolve.IGA.sln file to open the code with Visual Studio