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Releases: Yilmaz4/ v0.3.4

23 Jan 12:30
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Here is a release which includes yet some other ideas I've added and some bugs that I've noticed while implementing my ideas and I've fixed. You can see my ideas below.

New features

  • Added yet another example code, but this time it introduces an easy-to-use GUI (Graphical User Interface) written with tkinter library. However, understanding the code requires some object-oriented programming knowledge and experience. Despite the source code is available in the repository, I actually designed the GUI for end-users therefore it's more like a demo for the API.
  • Added sort_response function to the perspective.utils class which can be used to sort the keys of the dictionary that the analyze function returned according to their values or in alphabetical in both ascending and descending order.
  • Added UnknownSorting exception type to the perspective.errors class, however, unlike its name suggests, this exception exists frankly to raise when an unknown string is provided to order or sort_by arguments of sort_response function.
  • Added export_json function to the perspective.utils class which can be used to export the dictionary that the analyze function returned to a file in JSON format as the name of the function suggests. The file name can be anything.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EmptyResponse exception when none of the requested attributes supported the language of the text provided and when the skip_on_lang keyword argument of analyze function was set to True therefore the response was (supposed to be) an empty dictionary. The exception was caused by the logging line of the function. v0.3.3

22 Jan 08:58
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Whilst trying to create a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the API, I noticed that passing None to the logging_level argument while creating the Client object raises an exception. In this release, I only fixed that issue.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an exception when None was passed to the logging_level argument of perspective.Client.__init__ function. v0.3.2

19 Jan 16:18
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A random idea came to my mind whilst I was in school and I decided to add it to the library. While I was adding the feature, I noticed some bugs and fixed them too at the mean time. You can see what the idea was and the bugs that I've fixed below. Other than that, I literally have no idea to add to the library so I would appreciate if you give me some ideas in the Issues tab of the repository.

New features

  • Added save_data function which can be used to save the response that the analyze function returned to a SQLite3 database file. I know it's already pretty easy to do this by yourself but here is an easier way.
  • Added EmptyResponse exception type to perspective.errors class which gets raised when there is no attribute in the dictionary that was passed to the response argument in any of the functions of perspective.utils class.
  • Added EmptyFileName exception type to perspective.errors class which gets raised when an empty string was provided as the filename argument of save_graph and/or save_data functions of perspective.utils class.


  • Changed the way the analyze function of perspective.Client object and all other functions in perspective.utils class (only if raw response was provided) fetch score values of attributes from the raw response that was directly returned from the API. They now get the score values from summaryScore nested-dictionary which contains the average score value instead of spanScores which shall contain score values of each sentence of the text requested to the API in the future.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed TypeError exception when attempting to use format_response or save_data in perspective.utils class by providing raw response to the response argument and setting sort_by argument to something other than None.
  • Fixed TOXICITY attribute appearing as toxicity instead of Toxicity (first letter is not capital) when True is passed to the align_right argument of format_response function in perspective.utils class.
  • Fixed ModuleNotFoundError exception when importing the package ( on a machine with no matplotlib library installed, as the library was missing in install_requires list of file.

Code changes

  • Fixed some typos in function comments.
  • Added function annotations to every single function in the library. v0.3.1

11 Jan 20:09
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I just noticed that the logging_level property of perpective.Client object was not working properly so I checked the code out and realized my mistake, thereupon I released a quick fix to it. Now you can change the logging level anytime you want by setting a new value to logging_level property of your perspective.Client instance. Literally the exact same thing I said above is available below.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed logging_level property not working properly (setting a value to it didn't change anything). v0.3.0

09 Jan 09:57
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Although this release does not include as much interesting new features as previous release does, it still can be considered as a big release. I spent my whole weekend looking for ways to improve ease of usage and find bugs, and here is the result. All changes are available below:

New features

  • Support for logging module is here! Now you can set the logging level in logging_level argument of __init__ function of Client object; in other words, when creating the Client object, you can pass the logging level limitation you want to the logging_level argument. Information logs such as completion of the request to the API will be logged as INFO and other logs such as skipping attributes which does not support the language of the text will be logged as DEBUG.
  • Added change_token function to Client object which can be used to change the token without recreating the Client object.
  • Added sort_by argument to perspective.utils.format_response which takes whether ascending or descending as value (literal value), which can be used to sort the attributes according to their score values ascending or descending.
  • Added return_raw argument to analyze function of Client object which can be used to make the function return the raw response instead of a simplified response.
  • Added support for processing raw responses in response argument of every single function in perspective.utils class.
  • Added new exception types for specification of errors that occur whilst making a request to the API or whilst checking validity of arguments locally.


  • Exceptions no more include the parent exception with a message "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:".
  • Removed "Error" suffix from all exception names, for example, UnknownAttributeError is now UnknownAttribute.
  • Made filename attribute of save_graph function in perspective.utils class non-required and default to "chart.png".

Bug fixes

  • Fixed UnknownAttribute error when multiple attribute groups (such as perspective.Attributes.All and/or perspective.Attributes.Production) used in attributes argument of analyze function in Client object.
  • Fixed show_graph and save_graph functions drawing grid lines onto the bar chart no matter what value grid_lines argument gets unless False is given to grid_lines argument of those functions.

Code changes

  • Moved all exception classes from to a new file named
  • Fixed spelling, grammar and argument name mistakes in function comments.
  • Included license information in every single *.py file except and updated the copyright year in license text.
  • Moved variables which hold lists of all attributes and/or all attribute groups to as a global variable outside the Attributes class, for simplification of main code. v0.2.0

07 Jan 20:40
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This is one of biggest updates so far, which includes lots of new features and some bug fixes. I've also added some examples to the examples folder. All changes are listed below:

New features

  • Added format_response, get_highest, get_lowest, show_graph and save_graph functions to perspective/
    • format_response formats the dictionary that the analyze function returns to make the response easier to read by a human.
    • get_highest returns the attribute with the highest score value from the dictionary that the analyze function returns.
    • get_lowest returns the attribute with the lowest score value.
    • show_graph uses matplotlib library to create a bar chart, descending according to the score values and shows the graph by popping up an interactive window.
    • save_graph does the same show_graph does but saves the graph as an image instead of showing it by popping up a window.
  • Added perspective.Attributes.All, perspective.Attributes.Production, perspective.Attributes.Experimental and perspective.Attributes.NewYorkTimes which include their related attributes (such as TOXICITY goes to Production and ATTACK_ON_AUTHOR goes to NewYorkTimes). Information about which attribute belongs to which category can be found in this article. Those can be used on attributes argument of analyze function.
  • Added skip_on_lang and skip_on_unknown arguments to analyze function.
    • skip_on_lang tells the function to skip an attribute if the language of the text is not supported by that attribute. The function checks whether the attribute supports that language or not by making a request to the API instead of checking locally, so it may exceed the ratelimit for the API if there are lots of attributes which are expected to not support the language of the text.
    • skip_on_unknown tells the function to skip an attribute if that attribute is unknown. Unlike skip_on_lang, function checks whether the attribute is known or not locally so usage of this wouldn't exceed the ratelimit in case there are lots of unknown attributes requested.


  • Renamed requestedAttributes argument to attributes.
  • Made attributes argument non-required, and it now defaults to all production-ready attributes (perspective.Attributes.Production).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed UnknownAttributeError exception when perspective.Attributes.IDENTITY_ATTACK and/or perspective.Attributes.THREAT is used in attributes argument of analyze function (there were minor spelling mistakes in those attributes' names).

Code changes

  • Moved attribute classes from to a new file named This didn't affect the functionality of the classes. v0.1.1

05 Jan 17:36
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I forgot the fact that in Python, dots are used for importing packages from child directories hence package names cannot include dots. Therefore I've updated the code to make the package name perspective yet keep the PyPI name as

Now you can import as follows:

from perspective import Client, Attributes

Furthermore, you can still install the package by the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade v0.1.0

02 Jan 13:34
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This is the initial release of library. The code is pretty simple thereby I don't think there are lots of bugs; but if you find any or if you have any suggestions, feel free to create an issue in Issues tab or make a pull request. Current features in this version follow as:

  • Making an analysis request to the Perspective API with requested attributes and specified language.
  • Being able to correct spelling mistakes in attribute names and languages in analyze command arguments.

I will upload the library to PyPI soon.