Changes compared to: 20.10
- Adds notification for new content in the notification center and removes it once it was reviewed. #20369
- Adds a notification in the settings whenever there is a new content type. #20369
- Adds badges to new content types in the settings page. #20369
- Adds
structured data schema to search results pages. #20074
- Fixes a bug where placeholders would be displayed in the wrong color in the Yoast SEO settings and the First-time configuration. #20433
Non user facing:
- Removed unused grunt tasks and configs and jenkins configs files #20454
- Cleans old ui code for addons tabs in metabox. #20411
- Updates the PR template to not miss log time for innovative projects, and to check that correct base branch is selected. #20406
- Adds placeholders for publishing principle selection to the settings ui. #20349