DevFolio is a platform for developers to showcase their portfolios and projects. Users can view, search, and interact with projects and profiles created by others.
Check out the live version of DevFolio:
- Home Page: Displays a collection of projects by various users.
- Profiles Page: Showcases user profiles, including details about the developer and their projects.
- Your Profile Page: A personalized page for each user, featuring:
- Profile Card: Displays user information.
- Update Details: Allows users to update their profile details.
- Add Project: Lets users add new projects.
- Search: Easily search for specific projects or profiles.
- Authentication: Includes Sign In and Sign Up pages for user authentication.
The following technologies and packages power DevFolio:
- Next.js: Used as the primary React framework, with Turbopack for optimized development.
- React (v19.0.0): Core library for building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for building responsive, modern designs.
- Node.js: Executes server-side JavaScript code and handles routing and API calls in the Next.js environment.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing user data, project details, and other application information.
- Mongoose: A powerful object data modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB, used for database interactions.
- JWT (jsonwebtoken): Utilized for secure JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authentication.
- Bcrypt: Handles password hashing to ensure secure storage and handling of user credentials.
- Nodemailer: Sends authentication emails during the sign-up process to verify user accounts.
- Cloudinary: Manages and hosts user-uploaded images (e.g., profile photos and project images).
Build and Development Tools:
- Glob: For handling file matching and manipulation.
- LRU-Cache: A caching library to improve app performance with an efficient, least-recently-used caching strategy.
- Rimraf: Cross-platform tool for removing files and folders.
To run DevFolio locally, follow these steps:
(for npm)
Clone the Repository: git clone
Install Dependencies: npm install
Start the Development Server: npm run dev