This package is a toolbox for non-smooth version of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm.
Abs-Smooth Frank-Wolfe algorithms are designed to solve optimization problems of the form
We solve such problems by using ADOLC.jl for the AD toolbox and using the FrankWolfe.jl for conditional gradient methods.
The most recent release is available via the julia package manager, e.g., with
using Pkg
or the main branch:
Pkg.add(url="", rev="main")
Let us consider the minimization of the abs-smooth function
using AbsSmoothFrankWolfe
using FrankWolfe
using LinearAlgebra
using JuMP
using HiGHS
import MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
# CB3
function f(x)
return max(x[1]^4+x[2]^2, (2-x[1])^2+(2-x[2])^2, 2*exp(x[2]-x[1]))
# evaluation point x_base
x_base = [3.0,1.0]
n = length(x_base)
lb_x = [-5 for in in x_base]
ub_x = [5 for in in x_base]
# call the abs-linear form of f
abs_normal_form = AbsSmoothFrankWolfe.abs_linear(x_base,f)
alf_a = abs_normal_form.Y
alf_b = abs_normal_form.J
z = abs_normal_form.z
s = abs_normal_form.num_switches
sigma_z = AbsSmoothFrankWolfe.signature_vec(s,z)
# gradient formula in terms of abs-linearization
function grad!(storage, x)
c = vcat(alf_a', alf_b'.* sigma_z)
@. storage = c
# set bounds
o = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
MOI.set(o, MOI.Silent(), true)
@variable(o, lb_x[i] <= x[i=1:n] <= ub_x[i])
# initialise dual gap
dualgap_asfw = Inf
# abs-smooth lmo
lmo_as = AbsSmoothFrankWolfe.AbsSmoothLMO(o, x_base, f, n, s, lb_x, ub_x, dualgap_asfw)
# define termination criteria
# In case we want to stop the frank_wolfe algorithm prematurely after a certain condition is met,
# we can return a boolean stop criterion `false`.
# Here, we will implement a callback that terminates the algorithm if ASFW Dual gap < eps.
function make_termination_callback(state)
return function callback(state,args...)
return state.lmo.dualgap_asfw[1] > 1e-2
callback = make_termination_callback(FrankWolfe.CallbackState)
# call abs-smooth-frank-wolfe
x, v, primal, dual_gap, traj_data = AbsSmoothFrankWolfe.as_frank_wolfe(
gradient = ones(n+s),
line_search = FrankWolfe.FixedStep(1.0),
Vanilla Abs-Smooth Frank-Wolfe Algorithm.
MEMORY_MODE: FrankWolfe.InplaceEmphasis() STEPSIZE: FixedStep EPSILON: 1.0e-7 MAXITERATION: 1.0e7 TYPE: Float64
MOMENTUM: nothing GRADIENTTYPE: Vector{Float64}
LMO: AbsSmoothLMO
[ Info: In memory_mode memory iterates are written back into x0!
Type Iteration Primal ||delta x|| Dual gap Time It/sec
I 1 8.500000e+01 2.376593e+00 1.281206e+02 0.000000e+00 Inf
Last 7 2.000080e+00 2.000000e-05 3.600149e-04 2.885519e+00 2.425907e+00
To explore the contents of this package, go to the documentation.
Beyond those presented in the documentation, many more use cases are implemented in the examples