Deprecated and Archived. Please see SRFantasy-FoundryVTT
A Foundry Virtual Tabletop implementation of the Shimmering Reach Tabletop system
- Dicepools roll as a d6 system counting 5s and 6s as successes
- Character sheets populate proper data and have on-sheet buttons for rolling attacks, skills, etc
- Weapon item sheets complete, weapons can be toggled as equipped
- Initiative gets rolled and combatants are sorted each round
- Togglable custom character buffs/debuffs that modify raw numeral values like defenses, soaks, and skills
- Ability data will be populatable in character sheets
- Initiative affecting abilities will automatically apply their effects before combatants are sorted
- Multi target weapon attacks ask for a dicepool split and apply reach
- Ability qualifications, tradition affinities, and character points will be populated and tallied
- In system rulebook viewer