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1.1 Release Notes

Mike Werling edited this page May 11, 2018 · 6 revisions

These release notes cover the updates to the latest major release.



The home page of the Alert Manager now displays more information about the alert status. If a conditional alert was triggered and not yet cleared the list displays an icon next to the alert configuration.

  • Added logging event to the alert_reports table when an alert condition is cleared
  • Changes to alert configurations in alert manager are recorded in an audit log table in PostgreSQL
  • Updates and cleanup to what notifications are logged and what fields are saved
  • More e-mail configuration properties to support different SMTP server configurations (see configuration guide for details)



  • Fix for issue where "Chart not found" error banner pops up when editing an alert configuration, even though the chart is on the dashboard.


The major change in this release is support for the new Zoomdata screenshot service. This new service makes more complete screenshots and the user can select from PDF or PNG format. This change requires Zoomdata 2.6.6 or later. For Zoomdata 2.6.x and 3.0 the screenshot service is only available by request, contact Zoomdata support for more information.

Additional changes:

  • Revisions to the logging schema to simplify what is recorded for each alert case
  • Updates to installation and initial configuration options
  • Administrators have an additional page in Alert Manager to update server configuration options



  • Added new configuration option to support network configurations with reverse proxy


  • To support the multiple dispatch model the e-mail attributes (addresses, template, screenshot flag) have been combined into a block on the UI, configurable for each of the property levels.
  • Customers can develop and deploy their own dispatch services. The architecture allows for each service to define its own basic user interface in HTML that is displayed on the alert configuration screen.
  • Customers can define their own priority levels. The default is "Low", "Medium", "High", "Critical", but can be overridden by defining the "ALERT_PRIORITIES" in shared.yml
  • Updates to support SSL for the Alert Manager page
  • Passwords stored in Consul are automatically encrypted
  • Support for Zoomdata instance using unsigned certificate for SSL



Discovered issues with special characters in passwords for the screenshot service. Since Zoomdata by default requires special ccharacters this could be a blocker for users. This release allows all supported special characters in the password.


This major release includes new functionality as well as architecture changes on the back end. These changes are breaking, existing notification configurations cannot be migrated to this version and must be re-created. If you have existing notifications that need to be transferred to the new installation contact Zoomdata support ([email protected]) and request assistance.

Updates for this version include:

  • Multiple priorities for Alerts. Notifications using thresholds can now specify one or more ranges of values associated with a priority level. Each priority level can have a different set of e-mail addresses, so high priority alerts can go to a wider or different audience
  • Ability to specify multiple e-mail addresses to receive the notification message
  • Revised user interface to improve usability and flow when configuring notifications
  • Server side changes to integrate with Consul for service discovery
  • Server side changes to position the application for future improvements



  • If the SHOW_URL=false property (see 0.5.2 release notes) is true then the Zoomdata references are not included in the e-mail template by default. This removes the dashboard link from the template, although the user can manually add it back by entering $URL
  • The URL button is removed from the e-mail template box
  • The Zoomdata specific fixed text is removed from the e-mail


  • New option to allow the installer to hide the Zoomdata URL. This is useful for customers whose users do not directly use the Zoomdata application. The option hides the URL from the user interface and from the e-mail template configuration when creating an alert. Users can still include the dashboard link in the e-mail by manually entering “$url” in the e-mail template, but the button to do this automatically is hidden. To set this option update the docker-compose.override.yml file, in the alert-manager section, to include the environment option - SHOW_URL=false

  • Additionally an issue with chart selection was fixed. Previously, if the dashboard had more than one chart the query would be run against the first chart in the dashboard, not the chart selected by the user. This has been fixed to use the chart selected by the user.


  • Added server-side configuration in query scheduler to handle very large query responses. This issue occurred when a detailed trend chart was selected as the chart. The query scheduler showed a websocket error that the text response was too long. If this is encountered then update query scheduler configuration in docker-compose.yml with the command line shown at the end of this block: query_scheduler: environment: - LOGGING_MODE=DEBUG command: ["-Dwebsocket.max.text.message.size=500000"]
  • User interface bug fixes


  • Moved OAUTH token and Zoomdata server URL to server configuration in the docker-compose.override.yml file, no longer required that users generate a token and enter the server URL
  • Added e-mail formatting to alert configuration, improved format of e-mail message sent by the dispatcher
  • Updated styling for the Alert Manager application
  • Fixed logic for ‘alert once’ option when running against a bar chart source
  • Other minor bug fixes and updates


  • Alert Manager has been moved from a custom visualization in Zoomdata to a stand-alone application hosted on the Alert Manager server (docker container). Installation of Alerts Service no longer requires custom visualizations in Zoomdata. If upgrading from a previous version the Alert Manager and Alerting KPI visualizations should be removed from dashboards and the custom visualizations hidden (by checking the box in Chart Studio) or removed.
  • The new Alert Manager UI requires an OAUTH token to connect to the Zoomdata application.
  • Alerts can now be configured by an attribute based query defined in a bar chart on a dashboard in Zoomdata. Alerts can still be configured using a KPI chart, but use the standard Zoomdata KPI chart.
  • When configuring an alert the user can also specify a basic template for the e-mail message, including some fields from the alert message
  • Formatting for the resulting e-mail message has been cleaned up


  • The user can select a dashboard to be included as a screen shot with the e-mail message.
  • Messages can now be sent on a scheduled basis without a condition. This enables e-mail messages to be generated on a schedule, rather than based on the data values.


  • Alert logging - All alerts are logged into internal PostGres with default database “alert_reports” and table name “alert_reports.” These settings can be adjusted in the docker-compose.override.yml file. A sample docker-compose.override.yml can be found in the Alerts Service package.
  • Alert-once option allows the user to limit messages sent to only one when a value goes above a given threshold. To enable it you can use the toggle when creating alert.
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