MM2 Summer Update AutoFarm (openSource)
--updated 4:40 am August 2, 2024
you can use :
loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- add a list of the fake coin positions [it's 3am i've been making this since 2:30pm thats why i dont want to log them]
- if i dont add the list then add a simple gui so you can log and add in the positions yourself
- implement crushfire's scheduler class module to see if that would reduce the coroutine usage [not the best with coroutine]
- My script is very lightweight and should run on anything above 50% U.N.C TEST
- My script uses Octree for fast computation on the closest beach ball
- My script has dynamic speed adjust with radius and walkspeed
- My script has a functional tweenPosition that is smooth (invalid position safe 80%)
- Memory and Connection Management
- [this way the variable allocation is removed and the code doesn't keep running while/after/during you die]
- This does not autoexecute with the rounds you must manually run it when you have a weapon or the start timer is finished
- This program does not account for the fake coin Positions in the air bove each map
- [sadly you will have to make your own gui script to log those positions]
- Lastly the BodyPosition is not the best for keeping the player still
- [if you ever fling or get killed just run infiniteyield and goto a player and run the script again]
- My script has dynamic speed adjust warning
- [so it will take longer to reach a part too far from the character if you make the radius too big]
- [example lets say the radius is 200 studs away and the distance is 189 studs away which is within a 200 stud radius
then your speed will be (189/26) = 7.26923077 studs per sec] - ! WOULD NOT RECOMMEND GOING OVER 80 RADIUS AND KEEP 26 WALKSPEED MAX 28