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Flexible universal calculator in PHP with custom operators, functions and variables


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AceCalculator - flexible universal calculator in PHP

You can calculate classical mathematical expressions with variables, or you can specify your own calculation rules, operators or custom functions

Forked from NeonXP/MathExecutor (, but advanced and improved.

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|$ composer require avadim/ace-claculator

All instructions to install here:

Sample Usage

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// create the calculator
$calculator = new \avadim\AceClaculator\AceClaculator();

// calculate expression
print $calculator->execute('1 + 2 * (2 - (4+10))^2 + sin(10)');

// cascade execution - you can calculate a series of expressions 
// variable $_ has result of previous calculation
print $calculator
        ->calc('1 + 2 * (2 - $_)^2') // the variable $_ contains the result of the last calculation
        ->calc('$_ + sin(10)')

Default operators, functions and constants

Default operators: + - * / ^

Arithmetic functions

  • abs()
  • avg()
  • ceil()
  • exp()
  • expm1()
  • floor()
  • fmod()
  • hypot()
  • intdiv()
  • log()
  • log10()
  • log1p()
  • max()
  • min()
  • sqrt()
  • round()

Trigonometric functions

  • acos()
  • acosh()
  • asin()
  • asinh()
  • atan()
  • atan2()
  • atanh()
  • atn() (alias of atan)
  • cos()
  • cosh()
  • deg2rad()
  • degrees() (alias of rad2deg)
  • rad2deg()
  • radians() (alias of deg2rad)
  • sin()
  • sinh()
  • tan()
  • tanh()
  • tn() (alias of tan)

Default constants

PI = 3.14159265358979323846 E = 2.7182818284590452354

Also you can use any standard math constants from PHP - M_LOG2E, M_PI_2 etc

$calculator->execute('cos(M_PI)'); // the same result


You can add own variables to executor and use their in expressions

    'var1' => 0.15,
    'var2' => 0.22

// calculation with variables
$calculator->execute('$var1 + $var2');

// calculate and assign result to $var3
$calculator->execute('$var1 + $var2', '$var3');

// assign values to variable in expression
    ->calc('$var3 = ($var1 + $var2)')
    ->calc('$var3 * 20')

Multiple expressions

You can execute multiple expressions in one by separating them with a semicolon

$result1 = $calculator
    ->setVar('$var1', 0.15)
    ->setVar('$var2', 0.22)
    ->calc('$var3 = $var1 + $var2')
    ->calc('$var3 * 20')
// $result2 will be equal $result1
$result2 = $calculator->execute('$var1=0.15; $var2=0.22; $var3 = $var1 + $var2; $var3 * 20');

Extra operators and functions

You can load extensions with extra operators and functions by method loadExtension():

// load extension 'Bool'

This extension load boolean operators: < <= > >= == != && ||

You can use boolean operators with extra function if()

print $calculator->execute('if(100+20+3 > 111, 23, 34)');

Custom functions

Add custom function to executor:

$calculator->addFunction('dummy', function($a) {
    // do something
    return $result;

print $calculator->execute('dummy(123)');

// If the function takes more than 1 argument, you must specify this

// New function hypotenuse() with 2 arguments
$calculator->addFunction('hypotenuse', function($a, $b) {
    return sqrt($a^2 + $b^2);
}, 2);

// New function nround()
//   1 - minimum number of arguments
//   true - used optional arguments
$calculator->addFunction('nround', function($a, $b = 0) {
    return round($a,  $b);
}, 1, true);

print $calculator->execute('nround(hypotenuse(3,4), 2)');

Custom operators

A simple way to add an operator

use avadim\AceCalculator\Token\Operator\TokenOperator;
$func = function (array &$stack)
    $op2 = array_pop($stack);
    $op1 = array_pop($stack);
    return $op1->getValue() % $op2->getValue();

$calculator->addOperator('mod', [TokenOperator::MATH_PRIORITY_DIVIDE, $func]);
echo $calculator->execute('286 mod 100');

Alternative way to add operator using specified class. Create the class of custom operator

use avadim\AceCalculator\Generic\AbstractToken;
use avadim\AceCalculator\Generic\AbstractTokenOperator;
use avadim\AceCalculator\Token\TokenScalarNumber;

class TokenOperatorModulus extends AbstractTokenOperator
    protected static $pattern = 'mod';

     * Priority of this operator, more value is more priority 
     * (1 equals "+" or "-", 2 equals "*" or "/", 3 equals "^")
     * @return int
    public function getPriority()
        return 3;

     * Association of this operator (self::LEFT_ASSOC or self::RIGHT_ASSOC)
     * @return string
    public function getAssociation()
        return self::LEFT_ASSOC;

     * Execution of this operator
     * @param AbstractToken[] $stack Stack of tokens
     * @return TokenScalarNumber
    public function execute(&$stack)
        $op2 = array_pop($stack);
        $op1 = array_pop($stack);
        $result = $op1->getValue() % $op2->getValue();

        return new TokenScalarNumber($result);

And add the class to executor:

$calculator = new avadim\AceClaculator\AceClaculator();
$calculator->addOperator('mod', \TokenOperatorModulus::class);
echo $calculator->execute('286 mod 100');

Interpreting of identifiers

Identifiers - start with a letter and consist of a sequence of letters and numbers. You can specify rules how to interpret them in calculations

    'ONE' => 1,
    'YEAR' => function($identifier) { return date('Y'); },

$calculator->execute('YEAR + ONE');

Non-numeric values

Non-numeric values will cause warnings in arithmetic operations. However, you can set a special option to avoid this.

$calculator = new avadim\AceCalculator\AceCalculator();

// calc expression with variable
$calculator->setVar('$x', null);
// There will be a warning in the next line
$calculator->execute('$x * 12');

$calculator->setOption('non_numeric', true);
// And now there will be no warning
$calculator->execute('$x * 12');

Error Handlers

Division by zero

Usually division by zero throws a DivisionByZeroException. But you can redefine this behavior

$s = '10/0';
$calculator->setDivisionByZeroHandler(static function($a, $b) {
    // $a and $b - the first and second operands
    return 0;
echo $calculator->execute($s);

Unknown Identifier

Usually unknown identifier throws a UnknownIdentifier. But you can redefine this behavior

    'ONE' => 1,
    'TWO' => 2,

// Will throw an exception
echo $calculator->execute('THREE');

$calculator->setUnknownIdentifierHandler(static function($identifier) {
    return $identifier;
// Returns name of identifier as string 
echo $calculator->execute('THREE');

$calculator->setUnknownIdentifierHandler(static function($identifier) use ($calculator) {
    return $calculator->execute('ONE + TWO');
// Returns result of expression ONE + TWO
echo $calculator->execute('THREE');

Unknown Variable

Usually unknown identifier throws a UnknownIdentifier. But you can redefine this behavior

$calculator = new avadim\AceCalculator\AceCalculator();

// Will throw an exception
$calculator->execute('$a * 4');

// Now any undefined variables will be interpreted as 0
$calculator->setUnknownVariableHandler(static function($variable) {
    return 0;
$calculator->execute('$a * 4');

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