A simple package to communicate with a Arduino over serial (ie. URART/USB). Uses LibSerialPort.jl
to communicate and sends messages using Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS). Designed to work along side the popular PacketSerial library for Arduino.
Contained COBS code is borrowed from yakri12's COBS.jl.
using ArduinoSerial
# In this example an Arduino is connected to port /dev/tty.usbmodem14201
# communicating at a baudrate of 9600.
ard = Arduino("/dev/tty.usbmodem14201", 9600);
# Connect to Arduino's port, opening a buffer stream
open(ard) do sp
# Send a message to the open Arduino channel, this is encoded using COBS
message(ard, Vector{UInt8}("Hey there!"))
# Wait for Arduino to reply back, after it does exit
while true
if bytesavailable(ard) > 0