Collection of type providers for retrieving and bundling custom fonts with an Aardvark application at compile time. Currently includes providers for Font Squirrel, Google Fonts, and loading any custom URL or file path.
Define the fonts you want to use by using one of the providers:
module MyFonts =
module internal Types =
type Alger = FontProvider<PathOrUrl = @"C:\Windows\Fonts\ALGER.ttf">
type NotoSans900 = GoogleFontProvider<Family = "Noto Sans", Weight = 900>
type CourierPrimeBold = FontSquirrelProvider<Family = "Courier Prime", Bold = true, Italic = false>
let Alger = Types.Alger.Font
let NotoSans900 = Types.NotoSans900.Font
let CourierPrimeBold = Types.CourierPrimeBold.Font