- 2022-04-28 6cd83da - (Andrew N. Shalaev) Release v1.11.1
- 2022-04-28 ae9f1c2 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: remove support of ruby <2.4 and rails <4.2
- 2022-04-28 ec9deb6 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: avoid WARNING: there is no transaction in progress https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-20518
- 2021-11-11 b5e74ab - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: some optimizations for Pgq::Event parse
- 2021-11-10 f5cdbf6 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: increase idle time for decrease cpu time
- 2021-11-02 94c3e03 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: remove usage of deprecated AR methods
- 2021-07-22 4e01ad3 - (TamarinEA) chore: add homepage
- 2021-07-22 37d8cd7 - (TamarinEA) chore: fetch redis image
- 2021-07-21 e8dc29d - (TamarinEA) chore: add ruby 2.4 support
- 2020-12-15 13e399c - (TamarinEA) fix: bulk write only similar rows https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-2638
- 2020-08-14 598d309 - (Zhidkov Denis) fix: type cast strings with negaive integers on hash deserialization https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-17240
- 2020-04-23 51c7d66 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: memory optimizations https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-16612
2020-03-02 28a30a3 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) Release v1.8.2
2020-03-02 fd07481 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: fix wrong regular expression for detecting of dates https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-16078
2020-03-02 6a42b9c - (Andrew N. Shalaev) feature: move to new drone CI
- 2020-02-06 98522eb - (ZhidkovDenis) fix: fixup wrong number of args for ActiveRecord::Base.quote_value in rails >= 4.1 rails 4.0.x - https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v4.0.13/activerecord/lib/active_record/sanitization.rb#L6 rails >= 4.1.x - https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/v4.1.16/activerecord/lib/active_record/sanitization.rb#L6
Т.к. все равно вызов делегируется к connection, то заменяем сразу на connection.quote.
2020-01-31 d992baf - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: type casting for ints and dates https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-16113
2019-10-01 8fd7efe - (TamarinEA) test: stub class method when check process close #78
2019-10-01 3dc8094 - (TamarinEA) chore: restore pending test
- 2019-10-01 e2c3b20 - (TamarinEA) chore: lock some gems by ruby version
- 2019-10-01 40f04f7 - (TamarinEA) chore: remove coding
- 2019-10-01 d4c0e25 - (TamarinEA) chore: remove rspec-given
- 2019-10-01 89c3dbe - (TamarinEA) chore: test rails 4.2
- 2019-05-21 1541ef4 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: replace undefined method #to_hash to Hash constructor
- 2019-03-22 e917963 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) feature: remove support of rails 3.2
- 2018-12-21 b0d9c1c - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: reset pid if worker stopped
- 2018-12-21 49a3422 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) feature: support for redis >= v4
- 2018-09-18 4f2653c - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: use AR#clear_active_connections! in rails 4 https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-11139
- 2018-08-21 a072bbe - (TamarinEA) fix: use update of columns without nesessary event sort
- 2018-08-08 aaf96b2 - (TamarinEA) fix: start initialize field when process not alived
- 2018-06-25 2e34611 - (Zhidkov Denis) fix: set correct mask to count bg executor instances and clean up pids
- 2018-05-28 1e14f35 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: pgrep should not match with self https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-12530
- 2018-05-28 6c78cf3 - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: some typo in code
- 2018-05-28 9968c5d - (Andrew N. Shalaev) fix: wrong cmd line format for find pids by pattern
- 2018-03-21 6e221ce - (Sergey Kucher) chore: Release 1.5.0
- 2018-03-15 0d0e6c6 - (Sergey Kucher) chore: previous company for processors/company/base https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-1453
- 2018-02-15 c5cd62c - (Vladislav) feature(translator): add silence to value_as_integer https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/COMM-672
- 2017-12-01 94d18ab - (Sergey Kucher) fix: increase events log payload column size https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-1191
- 2017-11-15 dd7a82e - (Sergey Kucher) fix: logger event time https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-967
- 2017-11-03 7797046 - (Sergey Kucher) chore: run load hooks for events logger https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-716
- 2017-11-02 46b03be - (Artem Napolskih) fix: high cpu load on idle
- 2017-10-20 a5a9c32 - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: specify intialization batch_size as field parameter
2017-10-09 3c034b4 - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: json format for hash serialization https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-801
2017-09-05 2ba9923 - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) chore: raise error in tests
2017-07-18 b70df32 - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) fix: initialization with interval of 1 value
2017-07-14 70a0a7d - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: reset value of specified field
2017-07-11 e3d68ca - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: do not integerize hash key in hash counters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-658
- 2017-05-03 972b275 - (pold) fix(core): rails 4 compatibility
2017-04-25 c896c72 - (Semyon Pupkov) chore: use apress-sources version
2017-03-23 7f2966c - (Sergey Kucher) feature: rspec test case for fields https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/ORDERS-589
2017-04-19 91f8ef7 - (Semyon Pupkov) fix: add extractor back for capability https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-244
2017-04-17 570ec1d - (Semyon Pupkov) fix: add raise_no_implemented method to raise treasury error https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-244
2017-04-04 5fc0115 - (Semyon Pupkov) refactor: use apress-sources for accessor and extractor https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-244
2017-03-28 5f930e3 - (vadshalamov) chore: add rails4 support
2017-03-27 01bfe56 - (vadshalamov) chore: rm 1.9 & 3.1 support, add auto release
2017-02-16 fb5f5a9 - (vadshalamov) feature: move recreate_queues task from blizko https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-9692
2017-02-16 a776d82 - (vadshalamov) fix: add ROOT_LOGGER_DIR to backwards https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SG-5658
2017-02-12 d9564ae - (Artem Napolskih) feature: redis.keys -> redis.scan when resetting data
- 2017-02-01 7286ff8 - (Mikhail Nelaev) fix: respond_to? doesn't search for protected methods on ruby >= 2 https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-207
2017-01-11 b09698b - (Semyon Pupkov) chore: freeze nokogiri version for ruby 1.9
2016-12-20 2535ec0 - (vadshalamov) chore: fix Treasury::Processors::EventDataAccessors tests https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-12-13 218eaba - (vadshalamov) feature: move ReinitializeObjectJob into gem https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-12-13 fd12ed8 - (Vadim Shalamov) fix: add Models module to backwards (#29) https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-12-13 7b7573f - (Vadim Shalamov) feature: add bge:run task for docker (#27) https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-12-01 5d625a2 - (vadshalamov) feature: move core_demormalization into gem https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-11-24 3adddec - (vadshalamov) feature: move bg_executor plugin into gem https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-143
2016-12-12 304296b - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: event data readers (#28)
2016-10-26 48d84fa - (Semyon Pupkov) fix: interesting_event meth should be in base processor
2016-10-26 8926025 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add methods to user processor form project Зачем это надо: Получается не верное наследование классов Processor::Base наследуеться от проекта Processor::User::Base насоелдуется от проекта, а должен от Treasury::Base и получается теряеться метод object_value который есть только в геме https://github.com/abak-press/treasury/blob/master/lib/treasury/processors/base.rb#L12
2016-10-26 4408b20 - (Semyon Pupkov) chore: add drone, docker and dip
2016-07-22 de5a304 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add denormalization errors https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-50
2016-07-22 dea3014 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add NoRequireInitialization module https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/USERS-50
2016-06-28 5bacff5 - (vadshalamov) feature: add Treasury::LIST_DELIMITER USERS-9
2016-06-28 1c93807 - (vadshalamov) feature: add db_link_class to new field helper USERS-9
2016-06-01 a314d41 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add helper for create new field in migration
2016-06-01 ddfa482 - (vadshalamov) feature: generate alias_method
2016-06-01 8768c09 - (vadshalamov) fix tests
2016-06-01 dd17b6b - (vadshalamov) feature: add common extractor PC4-17243
2016-03-10 9db4360 - (Sergey Kucher) feature: create manager orders counter - current value and object value for processors base https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16548
2016-02-24 7e86520 - (Sergey Kucher) feature: company manager new dialog messages counter - move hash serializer and operations from cosmos-treasury - step for increment/decrement hash values https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16548
- 2016-03-11 644a080 - (Sergey Kucher) chore: move methods from plugin into gem for processors base - #object - #no_action https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-15968
- 2016-03-02 2d4cf6f - (Semyon Pupkov) chore: use spec_helper instead internal class
2016-03-01 863782b - (Sergey Kucher) fix: customer new orders counter - fix treasury/processors/counters module in case when nothing changing https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16549
2016-03-02 07aac88 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add helper for stub plugin into tests
- 2016-03-01 8375263 - (Semyon Pupkov) feature: add base field and translators https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16297
- 2016-02-16 791f5d1 - (Salahutdinov Dmitry) feature: базовый счетчик денормализации https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-15968
- 2016-02-08 add602d - (Sergey Kucher) feature: waiting orders count https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16549
- 2015-10-22 bb6ce63 - (Sergey Kucher) add field 'single' and processor 'counter' pc4-15459