MapReduce programs in Java to analyze Movie Ratings data provided by MovieLens.
GroupLens Research has collected and made available rating data sets from the MovieLens web site ( The data sets were collected over various periods of time, depending on the size of the set.
I have used for my purpose.
I performed my analysis on the following files- (a) movies.csv which has movieId,title,genres (b) ratings.csv which has userId,movieId,rating,timestamp
1.To get count of movies in all Genres - hadoop jar /home/cloudera/Desktop/ML_Driver.jar movielens.ML_Driver /user/cloudera/input/ml-latest-small/movies /user/cloudera/output/movielens/genre_wise_counts
2.To get Average rating for each Genre - hadoop jar /home/cloudera/Desktop/ML_Driver.jar movielens.ML_Join_Driver /user/cloudera/input/ml-latest-small/movies /user/cloudera/input/ml-latest-small/ratings /user/cloudera/output/movielens/genre_wise_ratings
Action 3.0908625 Adventure 3.2298608 Animation 3.418974 Children 3.1386745 Comedy 3.190355 Crime 3.3016186 Documentary 3.6867437 Drama 3.4474185 Fantasy 3.1838272 Film-Noir 3.669072 Horror 2.991933 IMAX 3.0590277 Musical 3.334026 Mystery 3.383181 Romance 3.3445897 Sci-Fi 3.1670532 Thriller 3.1830714 War 3.5340207 Western 3.4210017