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gmatteo committed Jun 13, 2024
1 parent bff43d5 commit c9b8c57
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Showing 5 changed files with 163 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion abipy/electrons/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ def plot(self, spin=None, band_range=None, klabels=None, e0="fermie", ax=None, y
ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used
points: Marker object with the position and the size of the marker.
Used for plotting purpose e.g. QP energies, energy derivatives...
Used for plotting purpose e.g. QP energies, energy derivatives etc.
with_gaps: True to add markers and arrows showing the fundamental and the direct gap.
IMPORTANT: If the gaps are now showed correctly in a non-magnetic semiconductor,
call `ebands.set_fermie_to_vbm()` to align the Fermi level at the top of the valence
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion abipy/eph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Interface to the file storing the e-ph matrix elements
in the atomic representation (idir, ipert) for a single q-point.
This file is produced by the eph code with eph_task -4.
To analyze the e-ph scattering potentials, use v1qavg and eph_task 15 or -15
from __future__ import annotations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def to_string(self, verbose: int = 0) -> str:
app(self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=False, verbose=verbose, title="Electronic Bands"))
app("qpoint in g(k,q): %s" % str(self.qpoint))
app("uses_interpolated_dvdb: %s" % str(self.uses_interpolated_dvdb))
app("phonon frequencies in meV %s:" % str(self.phfreqs_ha))
app("Macroscopic dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates:")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ def get_absg_kpoint(self, kpoint) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, Kpoint]:
phfreqs_ha = self.phfreqs_ha
nband = self.ebands.nband

absg_sym = np.empty_like(abs_g)
absg_sym = np.empty_like(absg)
g2_mn = np.empty((nband,nband), dtype=float)

for spin in range(self.ebands.nsppol):
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185 changes: 156 additions & 29 deletions abipy/eph/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
from abipy.core.mixins import AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, Has_Header #, NotebookWriter
from import PathLike
from import (add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, set_axlims, set_visible,
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels, linestyles)
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels, linestyles, Marker)
#from import duck
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronBands, RobotWithEbands
from import Figure
Expand All @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class VarpeqFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Header, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands): #
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.eph.varpeq import VarpeqFile
with VarpeqFile("") as varpeq:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ def close(self) -> None:

def gqk_spin(self) -> list:
return [Gqk.from_gstore(self, spin) for spin in range(self.nsppol)]
def polaron_spin(self) -> list:
return [Polaron.from_varpeq(self, spin) for spin in range(self.r.nsppol)]

def params(self) -> dict:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,43 +117,166 @@ def to_string(self, verbose=0) -> str:
return "\n".join(lines)

def plot_scf_cyle(self, ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
def plot_scf_cyle(self, ax_mat=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs) -> Figure:
Plot the SCF cycle
Plot the SCF cycle.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
fontsize: fontsize for legends and titles
Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
#varpeq_data = netCDF4.Dataset(varpeq_ncfile)
nsppol = self.r.nsppol
labels = [r'$E_{pol}$',

nsppol = self.r.nsppol
nstep2cv_spin = self.r.read_value('nstep2cv')
iter_rec_spin = self.r.read_value('iter_rec')

ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
# Build grid of plots.
nrows, ncols = nsppol, 2
ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_mat, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False)

for spin in range(nsppol):
for spin in range(self.r.nsppol):
nstep2cv = nstep2cv_spin[spin]
iterations = iter_rec_spin[spin,:nstep2cv, :] * abu.Ha_eV
iterations = iter_rec_spin[spin, :nstep2cv, :] * abu.Ha_eV
xs = np.arange(1, nstep2cv + 1)

for iax, ax in enumerate(ax_mat[spin]):
for ilab, label in enumerate(labels):
ys = iterations[:,ilab]
if iax == 0:
# Plot energies in linear scale.
ax.plot(xs, ys, label=label)
# Plot deltas in logscale.
ax.plot(xs, np.abs(ys - ys[-1]), label=label)

ax.set_xlim(1, nstep2cv)
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel("Iteration", fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel("Energy (eV)" if iax == 0 else r"$|\Delta|$ Energy (eV)", fontsize=fontsize)
if nsppol == 2: ax.set_title(f"{spin=}", fontsize=fontsize)

for i in range(5):
ax.plot(np.arange(1,nstep2cv+1), iterations[:,i], label=labels[i])
return fig

ax.set_xlim(1, nstep2cv)
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel('Iteration (-)')
ax.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)')

return fig
class Polaron:
This object stores the polaron coefficients A_kn for a given spin.
spin: int # Spin index.
nk: int # Number of k-points
nb: int # Number of bands.

#bstart: int # First band starts at bstart
#bstop: int
#glob_nk: int # Total number of k/q points in global matrix.
#glob_nq: int # Note that k-points/q-points can be filtered.
# Use kzone, qzone and kfilter to interpret these dimensions.

#varpeq: VarpeqFile

a_kn: np.ndarray
kpoints: np.ndarray
qpoints: np.ndarray

def from_varpeq(cls, varpeq: VarpeqFile, spin: int) -> Polaron:
Build an istance from a VarpeqFile and the spin index.
r = varpeq.r
nk, nq, nb = r.nk_spin[spin], r.nq_spin[spin], r.nb_spin[spin]
kpoints = r.read_value("kpts_spin")[spin, :nk]
qpoints = r.read_value("qpts_spin")[spin, :nq]
a_kn = r.read_value("a_spin", cmode="c")[spin, :nk, :nb]
b_qnu = r.read_value("b_spin", cmode="c")[spin, :nq]

data = locals()
return cls(**{k: data[k] for k in [ for field in dataclasses.fields(Polaron)]})

def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_string()

def to_string(self, verbose=0) -> str:
"""String representation with verbosiy level ``verbose``."""
lines = []; app = lines.append

app(marquee(f"Ank for {self.spin=}", mark="="))
#app(f"nb: {self.nb}")
#app(f"bstart: {self.bstart}")
#app(f"bstart: {self.bstop}")
#app(f"glob_nk: {self.glob_nk}")
#app(f"glob_nq: {self.glob_nq}")

return "\n".join(lines)

def interpolate_amods_n(self, kpoint):

from import BlochRegularGridInterpolator

BlochRegularGridInterpolator(structure, datar)

from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
nx, ny, nz =
ngkpt = np.array([nx, ny, nz])

points = (
np.linspace(0, 1, nx + 1),
np.linspace(0, 1, ny + 1),
np.linspace(0, 1, nz + 1),

# Transforms x in its corresponding reduced number in the interval [0,1[
k_indices = []
for kpt in self.kpoints:
kpt = kpt % 1
k_indices.append(kpt * ngkpt)
k_indices = np.array(k_indices, dtype=int)
from import add_periodic_replicas

interpol_band = []
for ib in range(self.nb)
values = np.zeros((nx+1, ny+1, nz+1), dtype=complex)
for a, inds in zip(self.a_kn[:,ib], k_indices):
values[inds] = a
# Have to fill other portions of the mesh

rgi = RegularGridInterpolator(points, values, method='linear', bounds_error=True)

return interpol_band

#def interpolate_bmods_nu(self, qpoint):

def plot_with_ebands(self, ebands, ax=None, **kwargs) -> Figure:
ebands = ElectronBands.as_ebands(ebands)
x, y, s = [], [], []
for ik, kpoint in enumerate(ebands.kpoints):
enes_n = ebands.eigens[self.spin, ik, self.bstart:self.bstop]
amods_n = self.interpolate_amods_n(kpoint)
for e, a in zip(enes_n, amods_n):
x.append(ik); y.append(e); s.append(a)

points = Marker(x, y, s)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
ebands.plot(ax=ax, points=points, show=False)

return fig

class VarpeqReader(BaseEphReader):
Expand All @@ -162,6 +286,7 @@ class VarpeqReader(BaseEphReader):
.. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
.. inheritance-diagram:: VarpeqReader

def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):

Expand All @@ -183,16 +308,18 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):

# Read important dimensions.
self.nsppol = self.read_dimvalue("nsppol")
#self.cplex = self.read_dimvalue("gstore_cplex")
self.nk_spin = self.read_value("nk_spin")
self.nq_spin = self.read_value("nq_spin")
self.nb_spin = self.read_value("nb_spin")
#self.nkbz = self.read_dimvalue("gstore_nkbz")
#self.nkibz = self.read_dimvalue("gstore_nkibz")
#self.nqbz = self.read_dimvalue("gstore_nqbz")
#self.nqibz = self.read_dimvalue("gstore_nqibz")
self.varpeq_pkind = self.read_string("varpeq_pkind")

# Read important variables.
#self.completed = self.read_value("gstore_completed")
#self.done_spin_qbz = self.read_value("gstore_done_qbz_spin")
#self.with_vk = self.read_value("gstore_with_vk")
#self.qptopt = self.read_value("gstore_qptopt")
#self.kptopt = self.read_value("kptopt")
#self.kzone = self.read_string("gstore_kzone")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,29 +379,29 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):

#class GstoreRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
#class VarpeqRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
# """
# This robot analyzes the results contained in multiple files.
# This robot analyzes the results contained in multiple files.
# Usage example:
# .. code-block:: python
# robot = GstoreRobot.from_files([
# "",
# "",
# robot = VarpeqRobot.from_files([
# "",
# "",
# ])
# robot.neq(verbose=1)
# .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
# .. inheritance-diagram:: GstoreRobot
# .. inheritance-diagram:: VarpeqRobot
# """
# def neq(self, verbose: int, ref_basename: str | None) -> int:
# """
# Compare all files stored in the GstoreRobot
# Compare all files stored in the VarpeqRobot
# """
# exc_list = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,7 +488,7 @@ def __init__(self, filepath: PathLike):
# args = [(l, f.filepath) for l, f in self.items()]
# nb.cells.extend([
# #nbv.new_markdown_cell("# This is a markdown cell"),
# nbv.new_code_cell("robot = abilab.GstoreRobot(*%s)\nrobot.trim_paths()\nrobot" % str(args)),
# nbv.new_code_cell("robot = abilab.VarpeqRobot(*%s)\nrobot.trim_paths()\nrobot" % str(args)),
# #nbv.new_code_cell("ebands_plotter = robot.get_ebands_plotter()"),
# ])
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion abipy/ml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ def _run_nn_name(self, nn_name: str) -> None:
latex_formula = self.abi_phbands.structure.latex_formula
ph_plotter.combiplot(show=show, title=f"{latex_formula}: {mae_str}", units="meV",
savefig=str(workdir / f"combiplot_{nn_name}.png"))
savefig=str(workdir / f"combiplot_{nn_name}.pdf"))

data = dict(
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions abipy/tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def add_periodic_replicas(arr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
oshape = ishape.copy()

if ndim == 1:
oarr = np.empty(ishape+1, dtype=arr.dtype)
oarr = np.empty(ishape + 1, dtype=arr.dtype)
oarr[:-1] = arr
oarr[-1] = arr[0]

elif ndim == 2:
oarr = np.empty(oshape+1, dtype=arr.dtype)
oarr = np.empty(oshape + 1, dtype=arr.dtype)
oarr[:-1,:-1] = arr
oarr[-1,:-1] = arr[0,:]
oarr[:-1,-1] = arr[:,0]
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