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vhdre: a VHDL regex matcher generator

This module allows you to generate a hardware implementation of a regular expression matcher operating on UTF-8-encoded strings. The regular expression features are limited, regex compilation is done prior to synthesis, and the unit will only tell you if a string matched, but it can do so extremely fast. It's intended to be used for needle-in-a-haystack searching, where the initial reduction is so large that you can just let a CPU figure out where and how the strings matched after letting vhdre do the initial filtering.


  • UTF-8 bytestream decoding with error detection (for most errors).

  • Stream interfaces compatible with AXI4.

  • Can match multiple regular expressions simultaneously using shared decoding logic.

  • Can matches multiple bytes (or even strings) per clock cycle depending on configuration.

  • Optimized for FPGAs with 6-input LUTs, with a critical path of only 2 LUTs per cycle for most regular expressions when configured for one byte per cycle matching.

  • Different interface styles varying in complexity.


  • Python script: only Python 3.x and funcparserlib.

  • Generated VHDL: no dependencies, should synthesize/simulate using any VHDL-93 tool.

Supported regex features

Supported syntax

  • x -> match x exactly.
  • x* -> match x zero or more times.
  • x+ -> match x one or more times.
  • x? -> match x zero or one times.
  • xy -> match x followed by y.
  • x|y -> match x or y.
  • (x) -> parentheses are for disambiguation only (there are no capture groups).
  • [x] -> character class (matches x).
  • [^x] -> inverted character class (matches everything except x).
  • [ab] -> match either a or b.
  • [a-z] -> match anything in the a-z code point range (inclusive).

Escape sequences

Note that the unicode escape sequences deviate from the norm.

  • \xHH -> HH = 2-digit hexadecimal code point
  • \uHHHHHH -> HHHHHH = 6-digit hexadecimal code point
  • \d -> [0-9]
  • \w -> [0-9a-zA-Z_]
  • \s -> [ \a\b\t\n\v\f\r]
  • \a\b\t\n\v\f\r -> the usual control character escape sequences
  • anything else matches the character behind the \ literally


  • The matcher does regex matching. That is, the given string must match the regular expression exactly, as if it is surrounded by a ^ and a $. To do searching instead, prefix and/or append .*.

  • The following characters must be escaped outside character classes: [\^$.|?*+()

  • The following characters must be escaped inside character classes: ]-

  • There is no difference between greedy and lazy matching in this engine. Any string that conforms to the regex in any way is considered to be a match.

  • A lot of the more advanced regex features are not supported because they require backtracking. This engine specifically can never do that, because it is based on a NFAE.


vhdre is an executable Python 3 module. Running it without arguments will give you some basic usage information:

$ python3 -m vhdre
Usage: python -m vhdre <entity-name> <regex> ... [-- <test-string> ...]

Generates a file by the name <entity-name>.vhd in the working directory
which matches against the given regular expressions. If one or more test
strings are provided, a testbench by the name <entity-name>_tb.vhd is
also generated. To insert a unicode code point, use {0xHHHHHH:u}. To
insert a raw byte (for instance to check error handling) use {0xHH:b}.
{{ and }} can be used for matching { and } literally.

The script will compile the regular expression(s) into a nondeterministic finite automaton, which it then builds a VHDL unit for. Just to avoid confusion here: yes, the regular expressions are fixed after generation. They are NOT runtime-configurable. You need to resynthesize your design if you want to change the regex.

The generated VHDL unit can be instantiated in many different ways, varying in complexity and speed. This is the simplest form:

lbl: entity work.<entity-name>
  port map (
    clk          => -- clock signal.
    in_valid     => -- signal indicating that there is an incoming byte.
    in_data      => -- the incoming byte.
    in_last      => -- signal indicating whether this byte is the last in
                    --   the string.
    out_valid    => -- signal indicating that a string has been received.
    out_match    => -- indicates which regular expressions were matched if
                    --   `out_valid` is high.

The above signalling doesn't support empty strings. If you need that, we need to add a "valid" flag that is independent of in_last: in_mask. Whenever an empty string is received, simply set in_mask low and in_last high.

lbl: entity work.<entity-name>
  port map (
    clk          => -- clock signal.
    in_valid     => -- signal indicating that there is an incoming byte
                    --   or empty string.
    in_mask(0)   => -- signal indicating that there is an incoming byte.
    in_data      => -- the incoming byte.
    in_last      => -- signal indicating that this byte is the last in the
                    --   string, or if there is no byte, that the previous
                    --   byte was the last one, if any.
    out_valid    => -- signal indicating that a string has been received.
    out_match    => -- indicates which regular expressions were matched if
                    --   `out_valid` is high.

Before we make things difficult, you can extend any of the port maps listed here with one or more of the following signals depending on your needs:

  • reset: an active-high synchronous reset.
  • aresetn: an active-low asynchronous reset.
  • clken: active-high global clock enable signal.
  • in_ready & out_ready: AXI4-compatible backpressure signals, in case your output can stall. NOTE: backpressure is implemented trivially. If it gives you timing problems, read the "notes on backpressure and timing closure" section below.
  • out_error or out_xerror: output signal indicating whether an UTF-8 decoding error occurred. out_xerror should be used instead of out_error ONLY by systems which handle multiple strings per cycle.

To get more speed, vhdre supports handling multiple bytes per cycle. Two flavors are supported: one where the amount of strings per cycle is still limited to one, and one where there is no such limitation. The latter requires you to use a more complex output stream.

Here's the first flavor (at most one string per cycle):

lbl: entity work.<entity-name>
  generic map (
    BPC          => -- number of bytes per cycle.
  port map (
    clk          => -- clock signal.
    in_valid     => -- signal indicating that there are incoming control
                    --   or data signals.
    in_mask      => -- signal indicating which of the incoming bytes are
                    --   valid. Its width is equal to BPC.
    in_data      => -- the incoming bytes. Its width is equal to BPC*8.
    in_last      => -- signal indicating that the last byte received so far
                    --   is the last byte of a string, if any.
    out_valid    => -- signal indicating that a string has been received.
    out_match    => -- indicates which regular expressions were matched if
                    --   `out_valid` is high.

And here's the second flavor (no limitations). We use the word "slots" to refer to the parallel matching engines since they no longer necessarily correspond to valid bytes at this point.

lbl: entity work.<entity-name>
  generic map (
    BPC          => -- number of bytes per cycle.
  port map (
    clk          => -- clock signal.
    in_valid     => -- signal indicating that there are incoming control
                    --   or data signals.
    in_mask      => -- signal indicating which of the incoming bytes are
                    --   valid. Its width is equal to BPC.
    in_data      => -- the incoming bytes for each slot. Its width is equal
                    --   to BPC*8.
    in_xlast     => -- signal indicating which of the byte slots are to be
                    --   interpreted as string boundaries. Its width is
                    --   equal to BPC.
    out_valid    => -- signal indicating that one or more strings have been
                    --   received.
    out_xmask    => -- indicates which of the parallel slots received a
                    --   string terminator. Its width is BPC.
    out_xmatch   => -- indicates which regular expressions were matched by
                    --   each slot. Its width is BPC.

It is guaranteed that matches are reported by the same slot for which in_xlast was set. Let's say that you have a system that can handle 8 bytes per cycle, but strings always start at 4-byte boundaries, and you only want to worry about handling at most two strings per cycle. In this case, you can use only in_xlast(3) and in_xlast(7) (appropriately setting in_mask(1..3) and in_mask(5..7) low for strings that are not multiples of four in length), which means that you only need to look at out_xmask(3) and out_xmask(7) because of this guarantee.

By default, vhdre is little endian; i.e., lower indexed bytes/slots are matched first. As a little convenience thing for big endian systems, you can swap the order by setting the BIG_ENDIAN generic to true. Of course this means that you need to use reversed indices in the above example.

Notes on backpressure and timing closure

The in_ready and out_ready signals in this unit are implemented in a very trivial way: they are practically just passed through the entire unit combinatorially. This can lead to timing problems in high-throughput systems.

There are a couple things you can do to work around this, ordered by effort vs. improvement in timing:

  • Insert an 2-stage AXI4 stream slice directly after the output of this unit to break the critical path from your stream sink's ready signal to the matcher.

  • Insert an 2-stage AXI4 stream slice directly before the input of this unit to break the critical path from the regex matcher's ready signal to your data source.

  • Bypass vhdre's backpressure logic entirely by placing a FIFO after this unit's output and tying its almost-empty signal to the source stream's ready signal. This unit's in_valid signal must be tied to valid and ready, so it is strobed only when a transfer is acknowledged. The FIFO must be configured such that it releases its almost-empty signal when there are less than 6 free entries in the FIFO. This ensures that the FIFO can never become full, because vhdre's pipeline isn't deep enough to generate more data than that when it doesn't receive any input. This allows this unit to ignore the ready signal from the FIFO. NOTE: do NOT connect the FIFO ready signal to out_ready! Doing that would essentially make a false path through vhdre's silly backpressure system.


Generator for VHDL regular expression matchers







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