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Fabrikt Gradle Plugin: generates Kotlin code from an OpenAPI 3 specification.


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Fabrikt Gradle Plugin

The Fabrikt Gradle Plugin integrates Fabrikt into your Gradle builds. Fabrikt generates Kotlin data classes with support for advanced features, Spring or Micronaut controllers, Ktor route handlers, and OkHttp or OpenFeign clients.

This plugin can be permanently integrated into your Gradle build and will ensure contract and code always match, even as your APIs evolve in complexity.


Gradle Plugin Portal Version

The plugin requires at least Gradle 8.11 and a JRE 21.

To use it with the Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts):

plugins {
    id("ch.acanda.gradle.fabrikt") version "1.13.0"

fabrikt {
    generate("dog") {
        apiFile = file("src/main/openapi/dog.yaml")
        basePackage = "com.example.api"

To use it with the Groovy DSL (build.gradle):

plugins {
    id 'ch.acanda.gradle.fabrikt' version '1.13.0'

fabrikt {
    dog {
        apiFile = file('src/main/openapi/dog.yaml')
        basePackage = 'com.example.api'

When running gradle fabriktGenerate, the examples above will generate the model classes from the OpenAPI specification in src/main/openapi/dog.yaml. The model classes will be generated in build/generated/sources/fabrikt/src/main/kotlin/.

The plugin provides the following tasks:

  • fabriktGenerate: generates code for all configurations, unless they have skip set to true.
  • fabriktGenerate[Name]: generates code for the configuration with the specified name. The suffix [Name] is derived from the configuration´s name by removing non-alphanumeric characters and converting the rest to CamelCase. E.g. the code for the configuration generate("dog-api") { ... } can be generated with gradle fabriktGenerateDogApi.


plugins {
    id("ch.acanda.gradle.fabrikt") version "1.13.0"
    // If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, the plugin will automatically add the
    // output directory as a generated sources directory.

fabrikt {
    generate("dog") {
        // mandatory properties
        apiFile = file("src/main/openapi/dog.yaml")
        basePackage = "com.example.api"
        // optional properties with their default values
        apiFragments = files()
        externalReferenceResolution = targeted
        outputDirectory = file("build/generated/sources/fabrikt")
        sourcesPath = "src/main/kotlin"
        resourcesPath = "src/main/resources"
        validationLibrary = Javax
        quarkusReflectionConfig = enabled
        typeOverrides {
            datetime = OffsetDateTime
            binary = ByteArray
        client {
            generate = disabled
            target = OkHttp
            resilience4j = disabled
            suspendModifier = disabled
            springResponseEntityWrapper = disabled
            springCloudOpenFeignStarterAnnotation = disabled
            openFeignClientName = "fabrikt-client"
        controller {
            generate = disabled
            authentication = disabled
            suspendModifier = disabled
            completionStage = disabled
            target = Spring
        model {
            generate = enabled
            extensibleEnums = disabled
            javaSerialization = disabled
            quarkusReflection = disabled
            micronautIntrospection = disabled
            micronautReflection = disabled
            includeCompanionObject = disabled
            sealedInterfacesForOneOf = disabled
            ignoreUnknownProperties = disabled
            serializationLibrary = Jackson
        skip = false
Property Description Default value
apiFile The path to an Open API v3 specification, interpreted relative to the project directory.
apiFragments A set of paths to Open API v3 specification fragments, interpreted relative to the project directory. files()
externalReferenceResolution Specify to which degree referenced schemas from external files are included in model generation. targeted generates models only for directly referenced schemas in external API files. aggressive triggers generation of every external schema in a file containing a referenced schema.
Values: targeted, aggressive.
basePackage The base package under which all code is built.
outputDirectory The directory to which the generated classes are written, interpreted relative to the project directory. build/generated/sources/fabrikt
sourcesPath The path for generated source files, interpreted relative to the output directory. src/main/kotlin
resourcesPath The path for generated resource files, interpreted relative to the output directory. src/main/resources
typeOverrides.datetime Specifies the Kotlin type for the OAS type datetime.
Values: OffsetDateTime, Instant, LocalDateTime.
typeOverrides.binary Specifies the Kotlin type for the OAS type string with format binary.
Values: ByteArray, InputStream.
validationLibrary Specifies the validation library used for annotations in generated model classes.
Values: Javax, Jakarta, NoValidation.
quarkusReflectionConfig Enables generating the reflection-config.json file for quarkus integration projects.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
client.generate Enables generating the http client code.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
disabled The type of client you want to be generated.
OkHttp, OpenFeign.
client.resilience4j Generates a fault tolerance service for the client using the following library "io.github.resilience4j:resilience4j-all:+". Only for OkHttp clients.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
client.suspendModifier Enables adding the suspend modifier to the generated client functions. Only for OpenFeign clients.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
client.springResponseEntityWrapper Enables adding the Spring-ResponseEntity generic around the response to be able to get response headers and status (only for target OpenFeign).
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
client.springCloudOpenFeignStarterAnnotation Enables adding the the @FeignClient annotation to generated client interface (only for target OpenFeign).
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
client.openFeignClientName Specifies the OpenFeign client name for spring-cloud-starter-openfeign (only for target OpenFeign). fabrikt-client
controller.generate Enables generating the http controller code.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
controller.authentication Enables adding the authentication parameter to the generated controller functions.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
controller.suspendModifier Enables adding the suspend modifier to the generated controller functions.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
controller.completionStage Enables the generated controller functions to have type CompletionStage (only for target Spring).
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
disabled The target framework tor the controllers you want to be generated.
Values: Spring, Micronaut, Ktor.
model.generate Enables generating the http model code.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.extensibleEnums Enables treating x-extensible-enums as enums.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.javaSerialization Enables adding the Java Serializable interface to the generated models.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.quarkusReflection Enables adding @RegisterForReflection to the generated models.
Requires the dependency io.quarkus:quarkus-core:+.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.micronautIntrospection Enables adding @Introspected to the generated models.
Requires the dependency io.micronaut:micronaut-core:+.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.micronautReflection Enables adding @ReflectiveAccess to the generated models.
Requires the dependency io.micronaut:micronaut-core:+.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.includeCompanionObject Enables adding a companion object to the generated models.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.sealedInterfacesForOneOf Enables the generation of interfaces for discriminated oneOf types.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.nonNullMapValues This option makes map values non-null when enabled. The default is to make map values nullable.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.ignoreUnknownProperties Enables adding @JacksonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) to the generated models.
Values: enabled, disabled, true, false.
model.suffix Specifies a custom suffix for all generated model classes. null (no suffix)
model.serializationLibrary Specifies the serialization library to use for annotations in generated model classes.
Values: Jackson, Kotlin.
skip Skips generating code if set to true when running the task fabriktGenerate. Tasks generating code for a single configuration, i.e. fabriktGenerate[Name], ignore this setting.
Values: true, false.


If you have many OpenAPI specifications with nearly the same configuration, you can set the common values in the defaults. All properties except apiFile and basePackage can be configured with default values.

fabrikt {
    defaults {
        client {
            generate = true
            target = OpenFeign
    generate("dog") {
        apiFile = file("src/main/openapi/dog.yaml")
        basePackage = ""
    generate("cat") {
        apiFile = file("src/main/openapi/cat.yaml")
        basePackage = ""

The above example generates OpenFeign clients for both the dog and cat specifications.


Local Installation

You can use gradle publishToMavenLocal to install the plugin to your local Maven repository. Then add the local maven repository to settings.gradle.kts of the project where you want to use the plugin:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // other repositories go here

Publish to Gradle Plugin Portal

Validate the plugin:

gradle publishPlugins --validate-only

Publish the plugin:

gradle publishPlugins \
  -Pgradle.publish.key=... \ 
  -Pgradle.publish.secret=... \


Fabrikt Gradle Plugin: generates Kotlin code from an OpenAPI 3 specification.







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