This is an Android app I created to help keep track of some of the patches I create on my Roland Gaia synth.
It's a great instrument, but it can be a nightmare to keep track of the patches you create.
The Gaia has 64 empty patches that can be overwritten by the user. When overwriting a patch, the settings of the custom patche are saved to a letter (A-H) and a number (1-8).
Let's say I write a patch to location 'G4' on one day... Next week, I go back to the synthsizer and I want to find that same patch.
Without the app, I had to either write down where the patch was located or I would have to click
between letters and numbers in the hopes that I would find it eventually.
And that's why I decided to create this app for my Android. It's been pretty cool so far!
Here's a link for more information about the synth:
Thanks for watching.