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Geddy web framework for Node.js


  • Easy to use
  • Modular
  • Fast

Geddy should make things easy for the most basic applications, but still let you get under the hood and tinker if you want.


  • Powerful, flexible router
  • Easy resource-based routing
  • App and resource generators
  • Content-negotiation
  • Session support (in-memory, cookie)
  • Templating (EJS), partials support
  • Fully non-blocking


Apache License, Version 2


Geddy requires version 0.4.x of Node.js or higher, and the Jake JavaScript build-tool.


To get Geddy from GitHub and install it:

git clone git://
cd geddy
make && sudo make install

By default Geddy is installed in "/usr/local." To install it into a different directory (e.g., one that doesn't require super-user privilege), pass the PREFIX variable to the make install command. For example, to install it into a "geddy" directory in your home directory, you could use this:

make && make install PREFIX=~/geddy

If you do install Geddy somewhere special, you'll need to add the "bin" directory in the install target to your PATH to get access to the geddy executable.

Installing with NPM

npm install -g geddy

Note that Geddy (specifically, the generators) is a system-level tool, and wants to be installed globally.


Routes are similar to Merb or Rails routes.

Basic routes

  {controller: 'Moving', action: 'pictures'});

   {controller: 'Farewells', action: 'kings'});

//Can also match specific HTTP methods only
router.match('/xandadu', 'get').to(
  {controller: 'Xandadu', action: 'specialHandler'});

Resource-based routes


Creating a Geddy app

You can use Geddy to create an app. Run geddy app [app-name] to create an app. Then Run geddy inside the app-directory to start the server.

mde@localhost:~/work$ geddy app bytor
Created app bytor.
mde@localhost:~/work$ cd bytor
mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ geddy
Server running at

Go to http://localhost:4000/, and you should see:

Attention all planets of the Solar Federation

Adding resources

Use geddy resource in your app directory to add a resource. The route will be set up automatically for you.

mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ geddy resource snow_dog
[ADDED] app/models/snow_dog.js
[ADDED] app/controllers/snow_dogs.js
Resource snow_dogs route added to config/router.js
Created view templates.

Restart Geddy, and you'll see the new route working. Hit your new route -- for example, http://localhost:4000/snow_dogs.json, and you should see something like this:


The geddy generator utility also handles fancy pluralization between model and controller. Specify your resource-name as a singular naun, and the generator will do the right thing -- changing 'person' to 'people,' etc.

App layout

After adding a resource, a Geddy app is laid out like this:

mde@localhost:~/work/bytor$ find .

Resources and controllers

Geddy's resource-based routes create url/request-method mappings for easy CRUD operations like this:

GET */snow_dogs[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, index action)

GET */snow_dogs/add[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, add action, for any new-resource template -- "new" is not usable as a JavaScript action name)

POST */snow_dogs[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, create action)

GET */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, show action)

GET */snow_dogs/:id/edit[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, edit action)

PUT */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, update action)

DELETE */snow_dogs/:id[.extension]
(SnowDogs controller, remove action)

A simple controller that just responds with any form-post/query-string params looks like this:

var SnowDogs = function () {
  this.respondsWith = ['text', 'json', 'html'];

  this.index = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});

  this.add = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});

  this.create = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});
  }; = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});

  this.update = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});

  this.remove = function (params) {
    this.respond({params: params});


exports.SnowDogs = SnowDogs;


Geddy can perform content-negotiation, and respond with with the correct format based on the requested filename-extension.

If you have a JSON-serializable JavaScript object you want to return in JSON format, pass your JavaScript object to the respond method in the action on that controller.

this.respondsWith = ['text', 'json']; = function (params) {
  // (Fetch some item by
  item = {foo: 'FOO', bar: 1, baz: false};

Models and validations

Geddy has a simple way of defining models, with a full-featured set of data validations. The syntax is very similar to models in Ruby's ActiveRecord or DataMapper.

Here is an example of a model with some validations:

var User = function () {'login', 'string', {required: true});'password', 'string', {required: true});'lastName', 'string');'firstName', 'string');

  this.validatesFormat('login', /[a-z]+/, {message: 'Subdivisions!'});
  this.validatesLength('login', {min: 3});
  this.validatesConfirmed('password', 'confirmPassword');
  this.validatesWithFunction('password', function (s) {
      // Something that returns true or false
      return s.length > 0;

  // Can define methods for instances like this
  this.someMethod = function () {
    // Do some stuff

// Can also define them on the prototype
User.prototype.someOtherMethod = function () {
  // Do some other stuff

User = geddy.model.registerModel('User', User);

Alternatively, you can use the defineProperties method to lay out your model:

var User = function () {
    login: {type: 'string', required: true}
  , password: {type: 'string', required: true}
  , lastName: {type: 'string'}
  , firstName: {type: 'string'}

Creating an instance of one of these models is easy:

var params = {
  login: 'alex'
, password: 'lerxst'
, lastName: 'Lifeson'
, firstName: 'Alex'
var user = User.create(params);

Data-validation happens on the call to create, and any validation errors show up inside an errors property on the instance, keyed by field name. Instances have a valid method that returns a Boolean indicating whether the instance is valid.

// Leaving out the required password field
var params = {
  login: 'alex'
var user = User.create(params);

// Prints 'false'
// Prints 'Field "password" is required'

Running the tests

In the geddy project directory, run jake test. The tests simply use NodeJS's assert library, which throws an error on failure. If there are no errors, the tests all ran successfully.

API Docs

API docs can be found here.

Geddy Web-app development framework copyright 2112 [email protected].


Web framework for Node.js






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