This application is about events which are private by default: you only see those you have been invited to. Anyone is free to create an event and share it with its network. After an event, all participants can add the contact of all other participants. But at the beginning, you must know the contact link (or the ID of type @[email protected]
) to start your personal network.
All data are stored directly in users Pods. See the ActivityPods project for more information.
- Git
- Makefile
- Docker (make sure you have the
installed) - NodeJS 20.0 or above
- Yarn
A single environment variable is required: the MapBox access token to autocomplete the location field on the Pod provider and app frontends.
Fortunately MapBox has a generous free tier with 100,000 requests per month, so you should not need to pay anything. But you still need to get the token. See this page for more information.
Once you have your access token, create a .env.local
file in the /frontend
directory and set it there.
In order to locally run the boilerplate, you need a local Pod provider, because a remote Pod provider will not be able to interact with a local application backend.
Fortunately, we provide Docker images to launch a local Pod provider in a single command:
make start
This will also launch Jena Fuseki (the triplestore used to store semantic data) and Redis, which are needed by the Pod provider and will also be used by the application.
Although Docker could also be used to launch the application backend, we recommend to launch it outside of Docker to avoid the usual problems we encounter in containerized environments.
On the other hand, we will use the same Fuseki and Redis server as used for the ActivityPods backend.
cd backend
yarn install
yarn run dev
This will bootstrap the server and, if there are no errors, finish with a message telling you that Moleculer's ServiceBroker has started.
You can see the application details at http://localhost:3001/app
You now have access to Moleculer CLI. Enter this command to insert all the available event formats:
call formats.freshImport
Now you can launch the app frontend.
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn run dev
A browser window should automatically be launched. If not, you can access the app frontend at http://localhost:4000
If you wish to modify packages on the SemApps repository and the ActivityPods repository and see the changes before they are published, see the following instructions.
To link backend packages, you can use yarn link
cd /SEMAPPS_REPO/src/middleware
yarn run link-all
cd /ACTIVITYPODS_REPO/app-framework
yarn run link-all
cd /THIS_REPO/backend
yarn run link-packages
Linking frontend packages with yarn link
doesn't work because it causes version mismatch errors for React and MUI (see this PR for explainations). So you should use Yalc instead. Fortunately, we make it easy for you.
cd /SEMAPPS_REPO/src/frontend
yarn run yalc:publish
cd /ACTIVITYPODS_REPO/app-framework
yarn run link-all
cd /THIS_REPO/frontend
yarn run link-packages
Additionally, frontend packages need to be rebuilt on every changes, or they will not be taken into account by ActivityPods. You can use yarn run build
to build a package once, or yarn run watch
to rebuild a package on every change. On every build, the new package will be published to Yalc.
Thanks to Git hooks, the frontend packages will also be published to Yalc whenever git branches are changed.
The docker-compose-prod.yml
includes everything you need to deploy this app to production:
- The backend of the app
- The frontend of the app
- Traefik to orchestrate domain names and SSL certificates
- Apache Jena Fuseki to store semantic data
- Redis used for cache and jobs queue
- Arena to watch the jobs queue
A Linux server with 4Gb of RAM is required for Fuseki to work properly, otherwise there is a high risk that it runs out of memory and gets killed. For large Pod providers, we recommend 8Gb of RAM.
Go to your domain provider and point the domain you want to use to your server IP (with a A-type registration).
Note that, by default, the backend will be on the same domain name as the frontend, but on the /api path.
Connect to your server in SSH and clone this repository:
git clone
We have prepared a script for this:
If that doesn't work with your server config, you can follow Docker installation instructions.
Copy the .env.production
file to a .env.production.local
file (cp .env.production .env.production.local
) and enter your server-specific informations. Click here to find how to generate a MapBox access token, which is necessary for the autocomplete feature.
APP_NAME=Welcome to my place
APP_DESCRIPTION="Foster living together based on welcome, trust and mutual aid"
POD_PROVIDER_BASE_URL= # If you want to enforce a Pod provider for this app
If you want to customize more thoroughly the app, you can do the same with the .env.production
files in the /backend and /frontend directories (copy them to a .env.production.local
file). Note all env files ending with .local
are not commited.
You can now launch the Docker containers with this command:
make build-prod
make start-prod
If there is a problem, you can call make attach-backend-prod
, which will give you access to ActivityPods' Moleculer CLI (Moleculer is the microservice framework that all ActivityPods services run on.) Errors will be displayed here.
The frontend should now be available at the domain you chose. The backend is available on the /api
Fuseki provides also a frontend to see the datasets. It is available on port 3030 of your server. The login is "admin" and the password is the one you chose on the global environment variables.
You can also see the jobs queue by connecting to Arena on port 4567 of your server.