go-vimeo is a Go client library for accessing the Vimeo API.
import "github.com/silentsokolov/go-vimeo/vimeo"
func main() {
client := vimeo.NewClient(tokenContext, nil)
// Specific optional parameters
cats, _, err := client.Categories.List(OptPage(1), OptPerPage(2), OptFields([]string{"name"}))
The go-vimeo library does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, pass an http.Client that can handle authentication for you, for example the oauth2.
import (
func main() {
ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: "... your access token ..."},
tc := oauth2.NewClient(oauth2.NoContext, ts)
client := vimeo.NewClient(tc, nil)
cats, _, err := client.Categories.List()
func main() {
client := ...
// Any "List" request
_, resp, _ := client.Categories.List(OptPage(2), OptPerPage(2))
fmt.Printf("Current page: %d\n", resp.Page)
fmt.Printf("Next page: %s\n", resp.NextPage)
fmt.Printf("Prev page: %s\n", resp.PrevPage)
fmt.Printf("Total objects: %d\n", resp.Total)
func main() {
client := ...
// Specific request instance
req := &vimeo.ChannelRequest{
Name: "My Channel",
Description: "Awesome",
Privacy: "anybody",
ch, _, _ := client.Channels.Create(req)
The "Me" service repeats the "Users" service, passing the empty string will authenticated user.
func main() {
client := ...
// Call /me API method.
// Return current authenticated user.
me, _, _ := client.Users.Get("")
// Call /me/videos API method.
// Return videos for current authenticated user.
videos, _, _ := client.Users.ListVideo("")
Since the release of Vimeo API version 3.4 used to unload the video the tus protocol. Necessary to implement the process manually. You can use the implementation of tus protocol on golang.
import (
tus "github.com/eventials/go-tus"
type Uploader struct{}
func (u Uploader) UploadFromFile(c *vimeo.Client, uploadURL string, f *os.File) error {
tusClient, err := tus.NewClient(uploadURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
upload, err := tus.NewUploadFromFile(f)
if err != nil {
return err
uploader := tus.NewUploader(tusClient, uploadURL, upload, 0)
return uploader.Upload()
func main() {
config := vimeo.Config{
Uploader: &Uploader{},
tc := ...
client := vimeo.NewClient(tc, &config)
filePath := "/Users/user/Videos/Awesome.mp4"
f, _ := os.Open(filePath)
video, resp, _ := client.Users.UploadVideo("", f)
fmt.Println(video, resp)