This python script runs a pre-change validation on Nexus Dashboard Insights, waits for the pre-change analysis to complete and evaluates the result.
Argument | Description | Required |
--name | pre-change analysis name | Yes |
--descr | pre-change analysis description | No |
--igname | insights group name | Yes |
-site | site or fabric name | Yes |
--file | change definition file path | Yes |
--allowUnsupportedObjectModification | Ignore unsuported objects modification and continue (default is true) | No |
--timeout | pre-change analysis timeout, in minutes (default is 15) | No |
--loglevel | logging level (default is WARNING) | No |
These details are also available running: -h
The script returns the number of non-INFO anomalies. A result of zero (0) means the pre-change analysis has been successful.
With logging level INFO or more, the detail of the number of anomalies for each severity is logged on stdout.
Nexus Dashboard URL, username, password and login domain must be provided as environment variables:
export ND_HOST=https://myndcluster.local
export ND_USERNAME=admin
export ND_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword
export ND_DOMAIN=local
The script can run as follows: --name pcv_analysis_001 --igname dc_spain --site MDR1 --file ./config.json --loglevel INFO --allowUnsupportedObjectModification