The Weather App, developed on Android Studio, offers a comprehensive solution for accessing weather information on-the-go. With real-time updates, graphical representations of past trends, and customizable settings, it provides users with accurate and intuitive weather data.
- Sensor Manager (GPS/Location): Retrieves user's current location for accurate weather data.
- Accessibility: Supports Talkback for auditory weather information.
- Database: Stores saved cities and weather information.
- Activities: Utilizes multiple activities for seamless navigation.
- API Calls: Interacts with Open Meteo and Geocoding APIs for weather and location data.
- Intents: Facilitates navigation between different app functionalities.
- Displaying Weather Information: Temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.
- Current Location Weather: Obtains and displays weather data based on the user's current location.
- Graphical Representation: Shows past weather trends and future forecasts through graphs.
- Predictions and Comparisons: Compares current weather conditions with historical data.
- Saved Cities: Allows saving and accessing weather information of multiple cities.
- Configuration and Settings: Customizable settings for temperature units, wind speed units, etc.
Main Activity:
- Displays current weather information.
- Shows past weather trends and forecasts.
- Enables navigation to saved cities and settings.
- Supports Talkback for auditory weather updates.
Forecast Activity:
- Displays weather forecast for the next 7 days.
Graphs Activity:
- Graphical representation of past and current weather data.
City List Activity:
- Allows searching and saving weather information for multiple cities.
Settings Activity:
- Customizable settings for user preferences.
- Location Retrieval: Uses Sensor Manager and Geocoding API to obtain user's coordinates and location name.
- Weather Data Retrieval: Utilizes Open Meteo API for current weather data and forecasts.
- Graph Generation: Implements Retrofit for network requests and YML charts library for graphical representation.
- Database Management: Stores saved cities and weather information for easy access.
- Settings Management: Passes user preferences as intents for updating the Main Activity.
- Installation: Download and install Android Studio from the official website.
- Clone the Repository: Clone the Weather App repository to your local machine using Git.
- Open in Android Studio: Open Android Studio and select "Open an existing Android Studio project". Navigate to the cloned repository folder.
- Sync Gradle: Let Gradle sync automatically or click "Sync Project with Gradle Files" from the toolbar.
- Permissions: Ensure location permission is granted for accurate weather data.
- Usage: Open the app to view current weather information, forecasts, and more.
- Customization: Explore settings to customize units and preferences according to your liking.