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Section 8: (Meals App) Building Multi-Screen Apps & Navigating Between Screens


In this app we can dive into meals, mark them as favorite then also see them here in favourite tabs, can go to filters and set the different filters which does not affect our favourite but will affect the category

1. Managing sceen stacks.

2. Working with Tab bars.

3. Using side Drawers.

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  1. categories.dart create Gridview
  2. create model name category
  3. create dummy data in data folder

2. Screens vs widgets

  1. create widget folder to keep all non screen widgets into this folder.
  2. create screen folder to manage all the screens.

3. Display categoryItems on the screen

  1. in category grid item -> container -> box decoration -> gradient -> child : text - > style.
  2. call this

4. Making any widget tapable using INKWELL

  1. using INK WELL instead of Gesture detector cuz INKWELL provide feedback but GD does not.

5. Add Meals Data (156)

  1. create -> screen ->meals.dart
  2. Create -> modal -> meal.dart
    • Enums basically are the choices and options which one need to selec

6. Loading meal data to screen : USING BEST EFFICIENT METHOD(157)

  - dummy -> modal-> listview BUILDER

7. Add CROSS section Navigation (158)

  1. using Navigator push in categories.dart categories.dart -> meals.dart

8. Passing data to the Target screen (159)

  1. accesssing dummy meal data in
void _selectcategories(BuildContext context, Category category) {
    // load the dummy meals data into the their respective category
    // category in the argument is the selected category by the user 
    // and user can now click on it.
    // after clicking the
    final filteredmeals = dummyMeals
        .where((meal) => meal.categories.contains(

    //158 aka 7

    //dummyMeals.where((meal) => );// 159 aka 8
    //final numbers = <int>[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7];
    // var result = numbers.where((x) => x < 5); // (1, 2, 3)
    // result = numbers.where((x) => x > 5); // (6, 7)
    // result = numbers.where((x) => x.isEven); // (2, 6)

        builder: (context) =>
            MealsScreen(title: category.title, meals: filteredmeals),

9. StackWidget (160)

  1. Card: use card widget also used in expense tracker.
  2. Stack : help us to stack the widget on top of each other.
  3. FadeInImage: image transition.(Creates a widget that displays a [placeholder] while an [image] is loading, then fades-out the placeholder and fades-in the image.)
  4. MemoryImage: Creates an object that decodes a [Uint8List] buffer as an image.
  5. transparent_image: ^2.0.1(pacakge): used as placeholder which will be transparent in FadeInImage.
  6. NetworkImage :acces the online image.
  7. Positioned : Creates a widget that controls where a child of a [Stack] is positioned.

9. Improving the MealItem Widget(161)

10. Adding Navigation to the MealDetails Screen(162)

11. 163. Improving the MealDetails Screen

12. 164. Adding Tab-based Navigation

13. 165. Passing Functions Through Multiple Layers of Widgets (for State Management) {BUTTON TO ALLOW USER TO MARK MEAL AS FAV}

14 Returning Data When Leaving a Screen WILL POP SCOPE 174

The WillPopScope widget is used to control the back button of our smartphone which is at the bottom of the screen. With the help of this widget, we can allow the back button to navigate to the previous page or give the callback False so it can’t navigate us to the previous page. As we can see in the below demo by pressing the back button we aren’t able to go back to the previous screen. So in this article, we will see how to implement WillPopScope Widget.


An Alternative Navigation Pattern: Using Named Routes In this section, you learned about the recommended navigation approach: Pushing and popping MaterialPageRoute objects to load different screens. There also exists an alternative approach, though - you can assign names to routes and load your routes via those names. However, that approach is not recommended (for most apps). Nonetheless, you can explore this alternative approach via the official documentation:


The problem is:

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For example, In Favourite screen we need list of favourite meals so we need favourite state here. but favourite state gets changed in Meals detial screen as in this screen we have a button to mark and unmark the favourite meals. So in theory we need to communicate between these two screen but it is not possible . To resolve it we create a method in Tabscreen , _toggleFavourite() to manage the the favourite state. This method is not wrong but it is inconvient ,as our app gets more complex, more inconvient it get.


there are several state management solutions: here we use RIVERPOD.

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How riverpod package works: (flutter_riverpod Package)

  1. we can create a provider(Which is a object created by class provided by riverpod package).
  2. this provider can provide a dynamic value or a provide a method that can change that value.
  3. And in our application, in any widget we can setup consumer that is connected by the provider by the riverpod package.
  4. In the consumer widget we can listen to the changes by the provider or even trigger those changes by the method provided by the provider

=> changes:

void main() {
    const ProviderScope(
      child: App(),
  1. stateful to consumerStatefulWidget.
    • @override
    • //State createState() => _TabsScreenState(); **provider
    • ConsumerState createState() => _TabsScreenState();
    • }
    • //class _TabsScreenState extends State { **provider
    • class _TabsScreenState extends ConsumerState {
  2. stateless to consumerWidget.
  • Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref)

=> for basic we created meals provider


In Flutter's Riverpod package, the Provider class is used to create providers that supply data to your widgets.
To instantiate a Provider and reuse it later in your widget, you can create a provider object and store it in a variable.
For example, let's say you want to create a provider for meals in your app.
This provider requires at least one parameter, which is a function.
This function receives a ProviderRef object, as it will be called by the Riverpod package.
The function you pass to the provider should take the ProviderRef object as a parameter.
Inside this function, you need to provide the value that the provider will supply.
For instance, you can use this function to generate dummy meal data. 
// Creating a provider for meals data in the app.
final mealsProvider = Provider((providerRef) {
  // The function receives a reference to the provider.
  // Inside this function, you should provide the value for the provider.
  // Return the value you want the provider to supply.
  return dummyMeals;

and call it into tabs.dart

//class TabsScreen extends StatefulWidget { ** Provider
class TabsScreen extends ConsumerStatefulWidget { 
  const TabsScreen({super.key});

  //State<TabsScreen> createState() => _TabsScreenState(); **provider
  ConsumerState<TabsScreen> createState() => _TabsScreenState();
//class _TabsScreenState extends State<TabsScreen> { **provider
class _TabsScreenState extends ConsumerState<TabsScreen> {
  int _selectedPageIndex = 0;

  final List<Meal> _favoriteMeals = [];

  Map<Filter, bool> _selectedFilters = kInitialFilters;

  void _showInfoMessage(String message) {
      SnackBar(content: Text(message)),

  void _setScreen(String identifier) async {
    if (identifier == 'filters') {
      final result =
          await Navigator.of(context).push<Map<Filter, bool>>(MaterialPageRoute(
              builder: (ctx) => FiltersScreen(
                    currentFilters: _selectedFilters,

      setState(() {
        _selectedFilters = result ??
            kInitialFilters; //?? matlab aagr result null hai toh k initial call kro

      /*storing the filter like this is not enough bcuz we also make sure build method 
      executed again so that updated filter or updated meal list of available meals is passed
      to the category screen.
      But not to the meals screen cuz we don't want filter the meals that are visible 
      on the screen But we can filter it to but in  this app logic 
      favourite should always be visible no matter what which filter were selected
      that's why here we only worry about category screen


  void _toggleMealFavoriteStatus(Meal meal) {
    //use this function in meals details screen
    final isExisting = _favoriteMeals.contains(meal);
    if (isExisting) {
      setState(() {
        _showInfoMessage("Meal is no longer a favourite.");
    } else {
      setState(() {
        _showInfoMessage("Marked as favourite!");

  void _selectPage(int index) {
    setState(() {
      _selectedPageIndex = index;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /*assume ref as a  widget. The property we use to widget.
    Now we have a ref property available to set up listeners for the provider,
    - ref available here due to consumerStatefulWidget above.
     1. read(): to get data from the provider once
     2. watch(): to set up a listener which makes sure the build method executes again as our data changes.
    ** recommended **: to use a watch() even if the read() is required.
     watch needs the parameter PROVIDER
    final;  // **provider
    final availableMeals = meals.where((meal) {

next create favourites_provider:

the idea is to build a provider that stores the favorite meals into the list of favorite meals.

Here we don't use the provider class as it is used for static dummy data .Like in meals_provider (a list that never changes). But, for complex data that should that can change under certain circumstances, Use the StateNotifierProvider class instead, it is optimized for the data that can change.

Section 10: Animations[MEALS APP]

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1. explicit animations

task 1 : create an explicit animation means own animation in categroies. dart to add animations to it. -to change from stateless to stateful => Go to refactor and click convert to stateful.

//Section 9: {A.} To make an explicit animation convert this stateless to statefull widget
//- to convert to stateful. right click, go to refactor, and convert it
class CategoriesScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const CategoriesScreen(
      //required this.onToggleFavourite, ** NO NEED CUZ OF PROVIDER
      required this.availableMeals});
  //final void Function(Meal meal) onToggleFavourite;  ** NO NEED CUZ OF PROVIDER
  final List<Meal> availableMeals;

  State<CategoriesScreen> createState() => _CategoriesScreenState();

class _CategoriesScreenState extends State<CategoriesScreen>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  late AnimationController //class
      _animationController; // {B. }animation controller must be set before build.
//late is used to tell dart that it is fine, once the property is used . it will have a value.

  void initState() {
    // TODO: implement initState
    _animationController = AnimationController(
      // animationcontroller class constructor function
      /*{C. }
      vsync wants a ticker provider, this vsync makes sure this animation executes 
      for every frame for smooth transition(60 times per sec).
      This ticker provider is received by vsync by adding a feature called 
      (for explicit animations only) `with`(keyword: this with keyword allows 
      to add mixin to a class) and class mixin here is `SingleTickerProviderStateMixin`
      (this mixin class provides various features needed by flutter animation sys.)
      single for single animation controller and many animation controllers
      use TickerProviderStateMixin.
      vsync: this, //always req
      duration: const Duration(
          milliseconds: 300), //to control how long the animation will play.
      lowerBound: 0,
      upperBound: 1,
      {D. }
      Through this we in the end control btw which value flutter will animate.
      therefore with animations, we in the end always animate btw two values.
      means: the animation will start at 0 and after 300 sec will stop at 1.

    _animationController.forward(); //to start the animation
    //we can use .repeat() also to start again the animation once done

  void dispose() {

  void _selectcategories(BuildContext context, Category category) {
    //Load the dummy meal data into their respective category
    // category in the argument is the selected category by the user
    // and the user can now click on it.
    //After clicking the
    // final filteredmeals = dummyMeals
    //     .where((meal) => meal.categories.contains(
    //     .toList();
    final filteredmeals = widget.availableMeals
        .where((meal) => meal.categories.contains(

    //158 aka 7

    //dummyMeals.where((meal) => );// 159 aka 8
    //final numbers = <int>[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7];
    // var result = numbers.where((x) => x < 5); // (1, 2, 3)
    // result = numbers.where((x) => x > 5); // (6, 7)
    // result = numbers.where((x) => x.isEven); // (2, 6)

        builder: (context) => MealsScreen(
          title: category.title,
          meals: filteredmeals,

  // Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  Widget build(
    BuildContext context,
  ) {
    //1.1. using gridView instead of listview.
    // gridview also contain gridview.builder (to dynamically grow the grid) for possible performance optimization.
    // but we use gridview() only cuz the categories are limited.
    {E. } the animation is a the listenable object and _animationController is such a listenable object
    and animation controller tells animation when to call the builder function.
    hence this func, we pass through this builder, will be executed for every tick 
    of our animation.For eg. 60 time per second.

    return AnimatedBuilder(
      animation: _animationController,
      child: GridView(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24),
        //1.2. grid Delegate : Controls the layout of the grid.
        gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
          //1.3.1 tells the no of column in the grid
          crossAxisCount: 2,
          //1.3.2 affect sizing of grid view item
          childAspectRatio: 3 / 2,
          //1.3.3 x and y axis spacing
          crossAxisSpacing: 20, //x
          mainAxisSpacing: 20, //y
        // children: const [
        //   Text(
        //     '1',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        //   Text(
        //     '2',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        //   Text(
        //     '3',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        //   Text(
        //     '4',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        //   Text(
        //     '5',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        //   Text(
        //     '6',
        //     style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
        //   ),
        // ],

        children: [
          // 3.2 aka 154:  for loop getting category we created in dummy data
          // and using that dummy data to the wgd we create in category grid item.
          for (final category in availableCategories)
              category: category,
              onSelectCategory: () {
                _selectcategories(context, category);
      //--- APPROACH 1
      builder: (context, child) => Padding(
        padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 100 - _animationController.value * 100),
        //means initally value is 0 and after 300 ms value will be 1*100

        child: child,
      //--- APPROACH 2
      builder: (context, child) => SlideTransition(
        position: Tween(
          begin: const Offset(0, 0.3),
          end: const Offset(0, 0), //want to get back to actual value
            parent: _animationController, curve: Curves.easeInOut )),
        child: child,
      //drive helps us to animate instead of 0 & 1 value to other value

2.Implicit Animations

List :

Adding animation to the star button in meals details screen

  icon: AnimatedSwitcher(
              duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
              transitionBuilder: (child, animation) {
                return RotationTransition(
                  turns: Tween(begin: 0.8, end: 1.0).animate(animation),
                  child: child,
              child: Icon(
                isFavourite ? : Icons.star_border,
                key: ValueKey(isFavourite),
            ), // animate A.

3. Hero Transitions

Hero widget which can be used to easily animate a widget across different screens here from meal item, which is part of the meals screen to meal details where we also added such a Hero widget.


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