Helm charts for CNNS
Adding a new chart to this repository is as simple as adding it under charts/ directory
Packaged charts are stored under docs/ directory which contains archived (packaged) version of charts and an index.yaml file. The index.yaml file needs to be updated each time you add a new packaged chart
helm package --destination docs --version v0.0.1 charts/cnns-cd-crd/
helm repo index docs --url https://adodon2go.github.io/helm-charts
- Adding locally helm-charts repository:
helm repo add helm-charts https://adodon2go.github.io/helm-charts
- To search through all of the repositories configured on the system for a chart version:
helm search cnns-cd-crd
- Installing a Helm package in a cluster node with release name 'test-operator':
helm install cnns-cd-crd --repo https://adodon2go.github.io/helm-charts --namespace default --set org=cnns --set tag=latest --set nsr.org=cnns --set nsr.tag=latest --set nsr.serviceType=LoadBalancer --name test-operator --kubeconfig /go/src/github.com/cnns-system/kubeconfigs/central/kind-1.kubeconfig
- To list all Helm releases deployed in a cluster node:
helm ls --kubeconfig /go/src/github.com/cnns-system/kubeconfigs/central/kind-1.kubeconfig
- To delete a release with name 'test-operator' from a cluster node:
helm delete --purge test-operator --kubeconfig /go/src/github.com/cnns-system/kubeconfigs/central/kind-1.kubeconfig