- π Motivation
- 𧱠Build Status
- π¨ Code Style
- βοΈ Tech and Framework used
- π₯ Features & Screenshots
- π» Code Examples
- πͺ Installation
- π API Reference
- π§ͺ Tests
- π§π»βπ« How to Use
- π€ Contribute
- π«‘ Credits
- π License
Welcome to Copilot & Sons El7a2ny Pharmacy, a state-of-the-art integrated pharmacy management software. This project is motivated by the desire to streamline and automate pharmacy operations, providing a seamless experience for pharmacists and patients within the healthcare ecosystem.
- This project is under development and should not be used in a production settings
- Check Issues for a list of all the reported issues
- More automated tests should be added in the future
- More documentation should be added
We use Prettier and ESLint to enforce a consistent code style. We use an edited version of the default ESLint TypeScript config. You can check the config in the .eslintrc.js file.
Useful Commands
- Check formatting using Prettier
npm run format
- And then fix formatting using Prettier
npm run format:fix
- Check linting using ESLint
npm run lint
- And then fix linting using ESLint
npm run lint:fix
- Check compilation of all subpackages using TypeScript
npm run compile:all
- NodeJs
- Express
- ReactJs
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- TypeScript
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- ESLint
- Prettier
- React Router
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- Formik
- Toastify
- Socket.io
- Firebase Storage
- NodeMailer
- JsonWebToken
- Bcrypt
- Postman
π€ User Registration
- Register as a patient.
- Submit a request to register as a pharmacist.
- Upload documents to register as pharmacist
π User Authentication
- Patient/Pharmacist/Administrator: Login with username and password.
- Patient/Pharmacist/Administrator: Logout.
π§ Administrator Operations
Adminstrator: Add another administrator with a set username and password.
Adminstrator: Remove a pharmacist/patient from the system.
Adminstrator: View all information uploaded by a pharmacist to apply to join the platform.
Adminstrator: Accept or reject the request of a pharmacist to join the platform.
π Pharmacist Operations
- Pharmacist: Upload and submit required documents upon registration such as ID, pharmacy degree, and working licenses.
- Pharmacist: View the available quantity and sales of each medicine.
- Pharmacist: Search for medicine based on name.
- Pharmacist: Filter medicines based on medicinal use.
- Pharmacist: Add a medicine with its details (active ingredients), price, and available quantity.
- Pharmacist: Upload medicine image.
- Pharmacist: Edit medicine details and price.
- Pharmacist: Archive/unarchive a medicine.
- Adminstrator/Pharmacist: View a total sales report based on a chosen month.
- Pharmacist: Filter sales report based on a medicine/date.
- Pharmacist: Chat with a doctor.
- Pharmacist: Receive a notification once a medicine is out of stock on the system and via email.
π User Account Management
ππ Medicine and Order Management
Patient/Pharmacist/Administrator: View a list of all available medicines (including a picture of medicine, price, description).
Patient: Add an over-the-counter medicine to my cart.
Patient: Add a prescription medicine to my cart based on my prescription.
Patient: View cart items.
Patient: Remove an item from the cart.
Patient: Change the amount of an item in the cart.
Patient: Checkout my order.
Patient: Add a new delivery address (or multiple addresses).
Patient: Choose a delivery address from the available addresses.
Patient: Choose to pay with a wallet, credit card (using Stripe), or cash on delivery.
Patient: View current and past orders.
Patient: View order details and status.
Patient: Cancel an order.
Patient: View alternatives to a medicine that is out of stock based on the main active ingredient.
Patient: Chat with a pharmacist.
Pharmacist: View the amount in my wallet.
BE Routes
app.use('/api/medicine', medicinesRoute)
app.use('/api/patient', patientsRoute)
app.use('/api/admin', adminsRoute)
app.use('/api/pharmacist', pharmacistRoute)
app.use('/api/cart', cartsRoute)
app.use('/api/debug', debugRouter)
app.use('/api', authRouter)
app.use('/api', deliveryAddressRouter)
app.use('/api/order', orderRouter)
app.use('/api', chatsRouter)
app.use('/api', notificationRouter)
app.use('/api', chatsRouter)
BE Cart Controller
export const addToCart = asyncWrapper(async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cart = await addToCartService(req.body, req.username)
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cart })
export const viewCart = asyncWrapper(async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cartItems = await viewCartService(req.username)
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cartItems })
export const removeItemFromCart = asyncWrapper(
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cart = await removeItemFromCartService(
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cart })
export const ClearAllItemsFromCart = asyncWrapper(
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cart = await ClearCartService(req.username)
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cart })
export const changeCartItemQuantity = asyncWrapper(
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cart = await changeCartItemQuantityService(req.body, req.username)
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cart })
export const addPrescriptiontoCart = asyncWrapper(
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const cart = await addPrescriptiontoCartService(
res.json({ success: SUCCESS, data: cart })
BE Clear Cart Service
export async function ClearCartService(username: any) {
const patientUser = await userModel.findOne({ username })
const user = await Patient.findOne({ user: patientUser?._id })
const cart = await CartModel.findOne({ _id: user?.cart })
if (!cart) {
return null
cart.items.forEach(async (cartItem) => {
if (cartItem.byPrescription !== null) {
await PrescriptionModel.updateOne(
{ _id: cartItem.byPrescription },
{ $set: { isFilled: false } }
cart.items = []
const updatedCart = await cart.save()
return updatedCart
BE Cart Model
interface ICartItem {
medicine: IMedicine
quantity: number
byPrescription: PrescriptionDocument | null
const cartItemSchema = new Schema<ICartItem>({
medicine: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Medicine' },
quantity: Number,
byPrescription: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Prescription',
default: null,
export interface ICart extends Document {
items: Array<{
medicine: IMedicine
quantity: number
byPrescription: PrescriptionDocument | null
const cartSchema = new Schema<ICart>({
items: [cartItemSchema],
export const CartModel: Model<ICart> = model('Cart', cartSchema)
BE Admin Validator
const adminValidator = Joi.object({
username: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required().messages({
'string.base': 'Username should be a string',
'string.alphanum': 'Username should only contain alphanumeric characters',
'string.min': 'Username should have a minimum length of {#limit}',
'string.max': 'Username should have a maximum length of {#limit}',
'any.required': 'Username is required',
email: Joi.string().email().required().messages({
'string.email': 'Invalid email address',
'any.required': 'Email is required',
password: Joi.string()
.custom((value) => {
if (!isStrongPassword(value)) {
const errorReason = getPasswordStrengthReason(value)
throw new AppError(errorReason, 400, ERROR) // Throw a custom error message
return value
'string.min': 'Password should have a minimum length of {#limit}',
'any.required': 'Password is required',
FE Admin Routes
export const adminDashboardRoutes: RouteObject[] = [
element: <AdminDashboardLayout />,
children: [
path: '',
element: <AdminDashboardHome />,
path: 'change-password',
element: <ChangePassword />,
path: 'add-admin',
element: <AddingAdmin />,
path: 'remove-user',
element: <RemoveUser />,
path: 'get-approved-pharmacists',
element: <GetApprovedPharmacists />,
path: 'get-pending-pharmacists',
element: <GetPharmacists />,
path: 'medicines',
children: [
path: '',
element: <ViewAllMedicines />,
path: 'search-for-medicine',
element: <SearchForMedicine />,
path: 'allUses',
element: <MedicinalUses />,
path: 'allUses/:name',
element: <FilteredMedicines />,
path: 'viewPatients',
element: <ViewPatients />,
path: 'viewPatients/info/:id',
element: <PatientInfo />,
path: 'sales-and-quantity',
element: <ViewMedicineSalesAndQuantity />,
path: 'clinic',
element: <RedirectToClinic />,
FE Login Page
export const Login = () => {
const { refreshUser } = useAuth()
return (
{ label: 'Username', property: 'username' },
{ label: 'Password', property: 'password' },
successMessage="Logged in successfully."
onSuccess={() => refreshUser()}
<Link to={'/forgot-password'}>forgot your password?</Link>
<br />
<Link to={'../register-request'}>SIGN UP</Link>
mkdir Copilot-and-Sons
cd Copilot-and-Sons
- Clone this repo + pharmacy repo
git clone https://github.com/advanced-computer-lab-2023/Copilot-and-Sons-Clinic
git clone https://github.com/advanced-computer-lab-2023/Copilot-and-Sons-Pharmacy
- Install dependencies for clinic
cd Copilot-and-Sons-Clinic
npm install
- Install dependencies for pharmacy
cd ../Copilot-and-Sons-Pharmacy
npm install
- All responses are wrapped in
{ status: 'success' | 'error', data: <The response data> }
- All endpoints are prefixed by
/api/<The URI>
Admin Endpoints
POST /admin/add-admin
- Add a new admin- Request Body
{ username: string password: string email: string }
- Response Body:
user: { username: string password: string email: string }
- Request Body
DELETE /admin/removeUser
- Delete a user by username- Request Body
{ data: { username: string } }
- Response Body: N/A
- Request Body
GET /admin/getPendingPharmacists
- Get pending pharmacists- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ user: { username: string password: string type: UserType }, name: string, email: string, dateOfBirth: Date, hourlyRate: number, affilation: string, status: 'Accepted' | 'Pending' | 'Rejected', educationalBackground: { major: string, university: string, graduationYear: number, degree: 'Associate degree' | "Bachelor's degree" | Master's degree", |'Doctoral degree',, }, documents: [string], walletMoney: number, }
GET admin/getAcceptedPharmacists
- Get accepted pharmacists- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ user: { username: string password: string type: UserType }, name: string, email: string, dateOfBirth: Date, hourlyRate: number, affilation: string, status: 'Accepted' | 'Pending' | 'Rejected', educationalBackground: { major: string, university: string, graduationYear: number, degree: 'Associate degree' | "Bachelor's degree" | Master's degree", |'Doctoral degree',, }, documents: [string], walletMoney: number, }
Auth Endpoints
POST /patient/register
- Register patient- Request Body
{ username: string name: string email: string password: string dateOfBirth: string | null gender: string mobileNumber: string emergencyContact: { fullName: string mobileNumber: string relation: string } }
- Response Body:
{ token: string // The jwt token }
- Request Body
POST /auth/login
- Authenticate a user and retrieve an access token.- Request Body:
{ "username": "string", "password": "string" }
- Response Body:
{ "token": "string" }
GET /auth/me
- Retrieve information about the currently authenticated user. -
Response Body:
{ "id": "string", "username": "string", "name": "string", "email": "string", "dateOfBirth": "string", "gender": "string", "mobileNumber": "string", "emergencyContact": { "fullName": "string", "mobileNumber": "string" } }
POST /patient/requestOtp
- Request to send OTP for forgetting password- Request Body:
{ email: string }
- Response Body:: N/A
POST /patient/verifyOtp
- Verify OTP for forgetting password- Request Body:
{ email: string, otp: string, }
- Response Body:: N/A
POST /patient/updatePassword
- Update patient password after forgetting password- **Request Body:** ``` { email: string, newPassword: string } ``` - **Response Body:**: N/A
Cart Endpoints
POST /cart/add
- Add item to shopping cart- Request Body
{ medicineId: string, quantity: string }
- Response Body:
{ items: [ { medicine: { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number }, quantity: number, byPrescription: boolean } ] }
- Request Body
GET /cart/view
- View cart items for current user- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ items: [ { medicine: { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number }, quantity: number, byPrescription: boolean } ] }
DELETE /cart/remove
- Delete item from the cart- Request Body:
{ medicineId: string }
- Response Body:
{ items: [ { medicine: { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number }, quantity: number, byPrescription: boolean } ] }
- Request Body:
PUT /cart/change-quantity
- Change quantity of item in cart- Request Body:
{ medicineId: string, quantity: number }
- Response Body:
{ items: [ { medicine: { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number }, quantity: number, byPrescription: boolean } ] }
- Request Body:
POST /cart/clear
- Clear cart items- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ items: [ { medicine: { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number }, quantity: number, byPrescription: boolean } ] }
Medicine Endpoints
GET /medicine
- Get all medicines- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
GET /medicine/unarchivedMedicines
- Get all unarchived medicines- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
PATCH /medicine/archiveMedicine/:name
- Archive a medice by name- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body: N/A
PATCH /medicine/unarchiveMedicine/:name
- Unarchive a medice by name- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body: N/A
GET /medicine/viewAlternatives/:id
- Get all alternatives of a medicine by id- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
GET /medicine/quantity-sales/:id
- Get quantity & sales of a medicine- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ name: string, quantity: number, sales: number, }
GET /medicine/salesReportByMonth?month={month}
- Get sales of a medicine by month- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ name: string, sales: number, }
GET /medicine/salesReportByMonth?date={date}
- Get sales of a medicine by date- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
{ name: string, sales: number, }
POST /medicine/addMedicine
- Add a new medicine- Request Body:
{ name: string, price: number, description: string, quantity: number, Image: File, mainActiveIngredient: string, activeIngredients: string, medicinalUse: string, sales: number, needPrescription: boolean, }
- Response Body:
{ name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, }
GET /admin/getMedicineByName/:name
- Get a medicine by its name- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
GET /admin/getMedicineByName/:name
- Get a medicine by its name- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
GET /medicine/allMedicinalUses
- Get all use cases- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
GET /medicine/filterByMedicinalUse/:name
- Get all medicine for a usecase- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
[ { name: string, price: string, description: string, quantity: number, Image: string, activeIngredients: [string], medicinalUse: [string], sales: number, requiresPrescription: boolean, status: string, discountedPrice: number } ]
PUT /medicine/wallet/:totalMoney
- Update patient wallet- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body:
-> The new wallet amount
Chat Endpoints
`POST '/chats/get-all' - Get all chats for a user
- Request Body:
{ 'username': string // Could be username of a patient, doctor, or admin }
- Response Body
{ 'id': string 'users': Array<{ 'id': string 'username': string 'name': string 'email': string 'type': UserType }> 'createdAt': string 'lastMessage': string 'hasUnreadMessages': boolean }
POST /chats/create-or-get
- Creates a new chat or gets one if it already exists between the users- Request Body
{ 'initiator': string 'receiver': string }
- Reponse Body:
-> ID of the created chat
- Request Body
POST /chats/get-by-id
- Gets a chat by its id- Request Body
{ 'chatId': string 'readerUsername': string }
- Reponse Body
{ 'id': string users: Array<{ 'id': string 'username': string 'name': string 'email': string 'type': UserType }> 'messages': Array<{ 'id': string 'sender': string 'senderType': UserType 'senderDetails': { 'name': string 'email': string } 'content': string 'createdAt': string }> 'createdAt': string 'lastMessage': string 'hasUnreadMessages': boolean }
- Request Body
POST /chats/send-message
- Sends a message- Request Body
{ 'chatId': string 'senderUsername': string 'content': string }
- Reponse Body: N/A
- Request Body
POST '/chats/mark-as-read'
- Marks a chat as being read- Request Body
{ 'chatId': string 'username': string }
- Reponse Body: N/A
- Request Body
Delivery Address Endpoints
`GET '/patients/:username/delivery-addresses' - Get all delivery addresses of a user by username
- Request Body: N/A
- Response Body
[ { _id: string address: string city: string country: string } ]
POST /patients/:username/delivery-addresses
- Create a new delivery address for a user- Request Body
{ address: string, city: string, country: string, }
- Reponse Body:
[ { _id: string address: string city: string country: string } ]
- Request Body
DELETE /patients/:patientUsername/delivery-addresses/:deliveryAddressId
- Delete delivery address by id and username of patient- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body: N/A
PUT /patients/:patientUsername/delivery-addresses/:deliveryAddressId
- Update delivery address- Request Body
{ address: string, city: string, country: string, }
- Reponse Body:
[ { _id: string address: string city: string country: string } ]
- Request Body
Notifications Endpoints
POST /notifications/all'
- Get all notifications for a user- Request Body:
{ 'username': string, }
- Reponse Body:
{ notifications: [ { _id: string title: string description?: string } ] }
- Request Body:
DELETE /notifications'
- Delete a notification- Request Body:
{ username: string, notificationId: string, }
- Reponse Body: N/A
Orders Endpoints
POST /order/addOrder'
- Add an order-
Request Body:
{ patientID: string, total: number, date: string, address: string, paymentMethod: 'wallet' | 'cash' | 'credit-card' }
Reponse Body:
{ patientID: string, total: number, date: Date, status: 'pending' | 'delivered' | 'cancelled' cartID: string, paymentMethod: string, address: { address: string, city: string, country: string, }, }
GET /order/orders'
- Get all orders of current patient-
Request Body: N/A
Reponse Body:
[ { patientID: string, total: number, date: Date, status: 'pending' | 'delivered' | 'cancelled' cartID: string, paymentMethod: string, address: { address: string, city: string, country: string, }, } ]
GET /order/viewOrder/${id}
- Get details about order by id-
Request Body: N/A
Reponse Body:
{ patientID: string, total: number, date: Date, status: 'pending' | 'delivered' | 'cancelled' cartID: string, paymentMethod: string, address: { address: string, city: string, country: string, }, }
GET /order/cancelOrder/:id
- Cancel order by id- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body: N/A
Patient Endpoints
GET /patient/viewAllPatients'
- View all patients- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body:
{ user: string, name: string, email: string, mobileNumber: string, dateOfBirth: Date, gender: 'Male' | 'Female', emergencyContact: { fullName: string, mobileNumber: string, relation: string, }, orders: [string], cart: string, deliveryAddresses: [ { address: string, city: string, country: string, }, ], walletMoney: number, familyMembers: [string], documents: [string], healthPackage: string, healthPackageRenewalDate: Date, notes: [string], healthRecords: [string], healthPackageHistory: [ { healthPackage: string, date: Date, }, ] }
POST /patient/requestOtp'
- Request OTP to reset password- Request Body:
{email: string}
- Reponse Body: N/A
- Request Body:
GET /admin/patientInfo/:id
- Get info about patient by id- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body:
{ user: string, name: string, email: string, mobileNumber: string, dateOfBirth: Date, gender: 'Male' | 'Female', emergencyContact: { fullName: string, mobileNumber: string, relation: string, }, orders: [string], cart: string, deliveryAddresses: [ { address: string, city: string, country: string, }, ], walletMoney: number, familyMembers: [string], documents: [string], healthPackage: string, healthPackageRenewalDate: Date, notes: [string], healthRecords: [string], healthPackageHistory: [ { healthPackage: string, date: Date, }, ] }
POST /cart/addPrescriptiontoCart
- Add prescription to cart- Request Body:
{ prescriptionId: string }
- Reponse Body: N/A
- Request Body:
Pharmacist Endpoints
GET /pharmacist/acceptPharmacistRequest/:id
- Accept a pharmacist request by id- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body: N/A
GET /pharmacist/rejectPharmacistRequest/:id
- Reject a pharmacist request by id- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body: N/A
GET /pharmacist/getPharmacist/:username
- Get a pharmacist by username- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body:
{ user: { username: string password: string type: UserType }, name: string, email: string, dateOfBirth: Date, hourlyRate: number, affilation: string, status: 'Accepted' | 'Pending' | 'Rejected', educationalBackground: { major: string, university: string, graduationYear: number, degree: 'Associate degree' | "Bachelor's degree" | Master's degree", |'Doctoral degree',, }, documents: [string], walletMoney: number, }
POST /pharmacist/addPharmacist
- Request to register as a pharmacist- Request Body:
{ 'name': string, 'email': string, 'username': string, 'password': string, 'dateOfBirth': Date, 'hourlyRate': number, 'affilation': string, 'educationalBackground': { 'major': string, 'university': string, 'graduationYear': string, 'degree': string, } 'status': string', 'documents': File[], }
- Reponse Body:
{token: string} // The jwt token
PATCH /pharmacist/depositSalary/:id
- Deposit a salary to the pharmacist by id- Request Body: N/A
- Reponse Body: N/A
We use Postman
to manually test all our api references by making sure the response is as expected. We use it as some kind of sanity-check.
Here is an example testing that logging in with an invalid username wouldn't pass authorization:
Make sure to follow the Installation steps first
Add a
in thebackend
of both reposCopilot-and-Sons-Clinic
with the following variables (replace the values with your own)
MONGO_URI="<Your Mongo Connection String>"
BCRYPT_SALT="<A secret string to use for encrypting passwords>"
JWT_TOKEN="<A secret string to use for hashing JWT tokens>"
- Start clinic
cd Copilot-and-Sons-Clinic
npm start
- Start pharmacy in a different terminal
cd Copilot-and-Sons-Pharmacy
npm start
If you want to use Docker Compose to start to project, you can replace the last step with
docker compose up
We welcome contributions to Copilot&Sons El7a2ny Clinic. If you want to contribute, it's as easy as:
- Fork the repo
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Make changes
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- Wait for your PR to be reviewed and merged
We welcome all contributions, but please make sure to follow our code style and linting rules. You can check the Code Style section for more details.
- Mongoose docs
- Express docs
- ReactJs docs
- NodeJs docs
- TypeScript docs
- Docker docs
- Docker Compose docs
- ESLint docs
- Prettier docs
- MUI docs
- React Router docs
- React Hook Form docs
- React Query docs
- Formik docs
- Toastify docs
- Mongoose Crash Course
- Express Crash Course
- ReactJs Crash Course
- MUI Crash Course
- React Router Crash Course
- React Hook Form Crash Course
- React Query Crash Course
The software is open source under the Apache 2.0 License