Thanks for checking out my profile. I spend my days with my hands in many different areas of the web. I love exploring new technologies and currently learning new skills. I am a team player and creatively curious about self-learning. I'm very organized and enjoy getting to the end of projects and completing things. I feel that my strong work ethics and social skills are precisely what the business needs in order to ensure a pleasant work environment and effective company-client connections. AI is my passion.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Neural Network Based Bengali Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition on Voice Command
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Laravel & CodeIgniter
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects.
- 💬 Ask me about Tech & PCs
- 📫 Reach me: [email protected]
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Experienced: Python | C | PHP | Javascript Familiar: C++ | Java
FRAMEWORKS & LIBRARIES Jupyter | Matplotplib | Numpy | Pandas | Scikit-learn | Keras | Tensorflow
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Classification | Regression | Neural Nets and Deep Learning
TOOLS Git | Github | Heroku | VS Code | Anaconda