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Refactor Algebra.Solver.*Monoid (further!) #2457

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199 changes: 23 additions & 176 deletions src/Algebra/Solver/CommutativeMonoid.agda
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Bundles using (CommutativeMonoid)

module Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid {m₁ m₂} (M : CommutativeMonoid m₁ m₂) where
module Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid {c ℓ} (M : CommutativeMonoid c ℓ) where

open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe
using (Maybe; From-just; from-just)
open import Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.GeneralisedArithmetic using (fold)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; uncurry)
open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; []; _∷_; lookup; replicate)
import Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal as Normal
import Algebra.Solver.Monoid.Tactic as Tactic

open import Function.Base using (_∘_)
open CommutativeMonoid M using (monoid)

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning
import Relation.Binary.Reflection as Reflection
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
import Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Inductive as Pointwise

open import Relation.Binary.Consequences using (dec⇒weaklyDec)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡ using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec using (Dec)

open CommutativeMonoid M
open ≈-Reasoning setoid

n : ℕ

-- Monoid expressions

-- There is one constructor for every operation, plus one for
-- variables; there may be at most n variables.

infixr 5 _⊕_
infixr 10 _•_

data Expr (n : ℕ) : Set where
var : Fin n → Expr n
id : Expr n
_⊕_ : Expr n → Expr n → Expr n
-- Expressions and Normal forms

-- An environment contains one value for every variable.
open module N = Normal M public
-- for deprecation below
renaming (∙-homo to comp-correct; correct to normalise-correct)
hiding (module Expr)

Env : ℕ → Set _
Env n = Vec Carrier n

-- The semantics of an expression is a function from an environment to
-- a value.

⟦_⟧ : Expr n → Env n → Carrier
⟦ var x ⟧ ρ = lookup ρ x
⟦ id ⟧ ρ = ε
⟦ e₁ ⊕ e₂ ⟧ ρ = ⟦ e₁ ⟧ ρ ∙ ⟦ e₂ ⟧ ρ
open N.Expr public
-- for backwards compatibility
renaming (‵var to var; ‵ε to id; _‵∙_ to _⊕_)

-- Normal forms

-- A normal form is a vector of multiplicities (a bag).
-- Tactic

Normal : ℕ → Set
Normal n = Vec ℕ n
open Tactic monoid normal public

-- The semantics of a normal form.

⟦_⟧⇓ : Normal n → Env n → Carrier
⟦ [] ⟧⇓ _ = ε
⟦ n ∷ v ⟧⇓ (a ∷ ρ) = fold (⟦ v ⟧⇓ ρ) (a ∙_) n

-- Constructions on normal forms

-- The empty bag.

empty : Normal n
empty = replicate _ 0

-- A singleton bag.

sg : (i : Fin n) → Normal n
sg zero = 1 ∷ empty
sg (suc i) = 0 ∷ sg i

-- The composition of normal forms.

_•_ : (v w : Normal n) → Normal n
[] • [] = []
(l ∷ v) • (m ∷ w) = l + m ∷ v • w

-- Correctness of the constructions on normal forms

-- The empty bag stands for the unit ε.

empty-correct : (ρ : Env n) → ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ ε
empty-correct [] = refl
empty-correct (a ∷ ρ) = empty-correct ρ

-- The singleton bag stands for a single variable.

sg-correct : (x : Fin n) (ρ : Env n) → ⟦ sg x ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ lookup ρ x
sg-correct zero (x ∷ ρ) = begin
x ∙ ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (empty-correct ρ) ⟩
x ∙ ε ≈⟨ identityʳ _ ⟩
x ∎
sg-correct (suc x) (m ∷ ρ) = sg-correct x ρ

-- Normal form composition corresponds to the composition of the monoid.

comp-correct : (v w : Normal n) (ρ : Env n) →
⟦ v • w ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ (⟦ v ⟧⇓ ρ ∙ ⟦ w ⟧⇓ ρ)
comp-correct [] [] ρ = sym (identityˡ _)
comp-correct (l ∷ v) (m ∷ w) (a ∷ ρ) = lemma l m (comp-correct v w ρ)
flip12 : ∀ a b c → a ∙ (b ∙ c) ≈ b ∙ (a ∙ c)
flip12 a b c = begin
a ∙ (b ∙ c) ≈⟨ sym (assoc _ _ _) ⟩
(a ∙ b) ∙ c ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (comm _ _) ⟩
(b ∙ a) ∙ c ≈⟨ assoc _ _ _ ⟩
b ∙ (a ∙ c) ∎
lemma : ∀ l m {d b c} (p : d ≈ b ∙ c) →
fold d (a ∙_) (l + m) ≈ fold b (a ∙_) l ∙ fold c (a ∙_) m
lemma zero zero p = p
lemma zero (suc m) p = trans (∙-congˡ (lemma zero m p)) (flip12 _ _ _)
lemma (suc l) m p = trans (∙-congˡ (lemma l m p)) (sym (assoc a _ _))

-- Normalization

-- A normaliser.

normalise : Expr n → Normal n
normalise (var x) = sg x
normalise id = empty
normalise (e₁ ⊕ e₂) = normalise e₁ • normalise e₂

-- The normaliser preserves the semantics of the expression.

normalise-correct : (e : Expr n) (ρ : Env n) →
⟦ normalise e ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ ⟦ e ⟧ ρ
normalise-correct (var x) ρ = sg-correct x ρ
normalise-correct id ρ = empty-correct ρ
normalise-correct (e₁ ⊕ e₂) ρ = begin

⟦ normalise e₁ • normalise e₂ ⟧⇓ ρ

≈⟨ comp-correct (normalise e₁) (normalise e₂) ρ ⟩

⟦ normalise e₁ ⟧⇓ ρ ∙ ⟦ normalise e₂ ⟧⇓ ρ

≈⟨ ∙-cong (normalise-correct e₁ ρ) (normalise-correct e₂ ρ) ⟩

⟦ e₁ ⟧ ρ ∙ ⟦ e₂ ⟧ ρ

-- "Tactic.

open module R = Reflection
setoid var ⟦_⟧ (⟦_⟧⇓ ∘ normalise) normalise-correct
public using (solve; _⊜_)

-- We can decide if two normal forms are /syntactically/ equal.

infix 5 _≟_

_≟_ : (nf₁ nf₂ : Normal n) → Dec (nf₁ ≡ nf₂)
nf₁ ≟ nf₂ = Pointwise-≡↔≡ (decidable ℕ._≟_ nf₁ nf₂)
where open Pointwise

-- We can also give a sound, but not necessarily complete, procedure
-- for determining if two expressions have the same semantics.

prove′ : (e₁ e₂ : Expr n) → Maybe (∀ ρ → ⟦ e₁ ⟧ ρ ≈ ⟦ e₂ ⟧ ρ)
prove′ e₁ e₂ = lemma (dec⇒weaklyDec _≟_ (normalise e₁) (normalise e₂))
lemma : normalise e₁ ≡ normalise e₂ → ∀ ρ → ⟦ e₁ ⟧ ρ ≈ ⟦ e₂ ⟧ ρ
lemma eq ρ =
R.prove ρ e₁ e₂ (begin
⟦ normalise e₁ ⟧⇓ ρ ≡⟨ ≡.cong (λ e → ⟦ e ⟧⇓ ρ) eq ⟩
⟦ normalise e₂ ⟧⇓ ρ ∎)

-- This procedure can be combined with from-just.
-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

prove : ∀ n (e₁ e₂ : Expr n) → From-just (prove′ e₁ e₂)
prove _ e₁ e₂ = from-just (prove′ e₁ e₂)
-- Version 2.2

-- prove : ∀ n (es : Expr n × Expr n) →
-- From-just (uncurry prove′ es)
-- prove _ = from-just ∘ uncurry prove′
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE normalise-correct
"Warning: normalise-correct was deprecated in v2.2.
Please use Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal.correct instead."
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions src/Algebra/Solver/CommutativeMonoid/Normal.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
-- The Agda standard library
-- Normal forms in commutative monoids
-- Adapted from Algebra.Solver.Monoid.Normal

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Bundles using (CommutativeMonoid)

module Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal
{c ℓ} (M : CommutativeMonoid c ℓ) where

open import Algebra.Bundles.Raw using (RawMonoid)
import Algebra.Properties.CommutativeSemigroup as CommutativeSemigroupProperties
import Algebra.Properties.Monoid.Mult as MonoidMultProperties
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; []; _∷_; lookup; replicate; zipWith)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Equality.DecPropositional using (_≡?_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡ using (_≡_)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as ≈-Reasoning

open CommutativeMonoid M
open MonoidMultProperties monoid using (_×_; ×-homo-1; ×-homo-+)
open CommutativeSemigroupProperties commutativeSemigroup using (interchange)
open ≈-Reasoning setoid

n : ℕ

-- Monoid expressions

open import Algebra.Solver.Monoid.Expression monoid public

-- Normal forms

-- A normal form is a vector of multiplicities (a bag).

N : ℕ → Set
N n = Vec ℕ n

-- Constructions on normal forms

-- The empty bag.

empty : N n
empty = replicate _ 0

-- A singleton bag.

sg : (i : Fin n) → N n
sg zero = 1 ∷ empty
sg (suc i) = 0 ∷ sg i

-- The composition of normal forms: bag union.
infixr 10 _•_

_•_ : (v w : N n) → N n
_•_ = zipWith _+_

-- Packaging up the normal forms

NF : ℕ → RawMonoid _ _
NF n = record { Carrier = N n ; _≈_ = _≡_ ; _∙_ = _•_ ; ε = empty }

-- The semantics of a normal form.

⟦_⟧⇓ : N n → Env n → Carrier
⟦ [] ⟧⇓ _ = ε
⟦ n ∷ v ⟧⇓ (a ∷ ρ) = (n × a) ∙ (⟦ v ⟧⇓ ρ)

-- We can decide if two normal forms are /syntactically/ equal.

infix 5 _≟_

_≟_ : DecidableEquality (N n)
_≟_ = _≡?_ ℕ._≟_

-- Correctness of the constructions on normal forms

-- The empty bag stands for the unit ε.

ε-homo : (ρ : Env n) → ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ ε
ε-homo [] = refl
ε-homo (a ∷ ρ) = begin
ε ∙ ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ identityˡ _ ⟩
⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ε-homo ρ ⟩
ε ∎

-- The singleton bag stands for a single variable.

sg-correct : (x : Fin n) (ρ : Env n) → ⟦ sg x ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ lookup ρ x
sg-correct zero (x ∷ ρ) = begin
(1 × x) ∙ ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (×-homo-1 _) ⟩
x ∙ ⟦ empty ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (ε-homo ρ) ⟩
x ∙ ε ≈⟨ identityʳ _ ⟩
x ∎
sg-correct (suc x) (_ ∷ ρ) = begin
ε ∙ ⟦ sg x ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ identityˡ _ ⟩
⟦ sg x ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ sg-correct x ρ ⟩
lookup ρ x ∎

-- Normal form composition corresponds to the composition of the monoid.

∙-homo : ∀ v w (ρ : Env n) →
⟦ v • w ⟧⇓ ρ ≈ (⟦ v ⟧⇓ ρ ∙ ⟦ w ⟧⇓ ρ)
∙-homo [] [] _ = sym (identityˡ _)
∙-homo (l ∷ v) (m ∷ w) (a ∷ ρ) = begin
((l + m) × a) ∙ ⟦ v • w ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (×-homo-+ a l m) ⟩
(l × a) ∙ (m × a) ∙ ⟦ v • w ⟧⇓ ρ ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∙-homo v w ρ) ⟩
(l × a) ∙ (m × a) ∙ (⟦ v ⟧⇓ ρ ∙ ⟦ w ⟧⇓ ρ) ≈⟨ interchange _ _ _ _ ⟩
⟦ l ∷ v ⟧⇓ (a ∷ ρ) ∙ ⟦ m ∷ w ⟧⇓ (a ∷ ρ) ∎

-- Packaging everything up

normal : NormalAPI
normal = record
{ NF = NF
; var = sg
; _≟_ = _≟_
; ⟦_⟧⇓ = ⟦_⟧⇓
; ⟦var_⟧⇓ = sg-correct
; ⟦⟧⇓-homo = λ ρ → record
{ isMagmaHomomorphism = record
{ isRelHomomorphism = record
{ cong = λ where ≡.refl → refl }
; homo = λ v w → ∙-homo v w ρ
; ε-homo = ε-homo ρ

open NormalAPI normal public
using (normalise; correct)