A simple Wechat pay ruby gem, without unnecessary magic or wrapper. copied from alipay .
Please read official document first: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/paymch/readtemplate?t=mp/business/course3_tmpl&lang=zh_CN.
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'agideo_weixin_pay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create config/initializers/weixin_pay.rb
and put following configurations into it.
# required
WeixinPay.appid = 'YOUR_APPID'
WeixinPay.key = 'YOUR_KEY'
WeixinPay.mch_id = 'YOUR_MCH_ID'
Note: You should create your APIKEY (Link to 微信商户平台) first if you haven't, and pay attention that the length of the APIKEY should be 32.
TODO check required fields
WeixinPay supports REST.
#order_code build 32bit uuid
order_code = SecureRandom.uuid.tr('-', '')
attach: "微信刷卡支付",
body: "购买商品",
device_info: '88888888',
out_trade_no: order_code,
spbill_create_ip: '',
total_fee: 1,
auth_code: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #scan by scaner from weixin QR (扫描枪扫描微信二维码所获得)
WeixinPay::Pay.micrpay params
will create an payment request and return a WeixinPay::Result instance(subclass of Hash) contains parsed result.
The result would be like this.
result = WeixinPay::Pay.micrpay({
# => {
# "return_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "return_msg"=>"OK",
# "appid"=>"wx0bbf1b0caa980033",
# "mch_id"=>"13036914",
# "device_info"=>"88888888",
# "nonce_str"=>"lyAFYWYrbn33Y065",
# "sign"=>"9EC971A06B1CD5B74DDAABA961DD90F",
# "result_code"=>"SUCCESS",
# "openid"=>"3Ea4HjqNk5BMEG6Ww6FVqO1tt1bI",
# "is_subscribe"=>"Y",
# "trade_type"=>"MICROPAY",
# "bank_type"=>"CMB_DEBIT",
# "total_fee"=>"1",
# "fee_type"=>"CNY",
# "transaction_id"=>"1004840644201510151204462655",
# "out_trade_no"=>"e4bcf8b3f6b54c70ad784a73b254a556",
# "attach"=>"微信刷卡支付", "time_end"=>"20151015133846",
# "cash_fee"=>"1",
# "cash_fee_type"=>""
Return true if both return_code
and result_code
result.success? # => true
WeixinPay supports REST.
out_trade_no: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
WeixinPay::Pay.orderquery params
will create an payment request and return a WeixinPay::Result instance(subclass of Hash) contains parsed result.
The result would be like this.
result = WeixinPay::Pay.orderquery({
Details link to Weixin API doc 提交刷卡支付API
Write test for WeixinPay gem
Bug report or pull request are welcome.
- Fork it Fork it ( https://github.com/agideo/weixin_pay )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Create your feature branch (
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Commit your changes (
- Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
- Push to the branch (
- Create new Pull Request
Please write unit test with your code if necessary.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.