A operator and SSO integration for cdr/code_server
This project is to allow deploying personal Visual Studio Code IDEs into a Kubernetes. This is leveraging https://github.com/cdr/code-server.
As of the moment, I've made the happypath work but haven't fully tested the chart to install it all.
- The Traefik Ingress Controller is used for it's Forward Auth capabilities.
- An OpenID Connect provider (Dex makes it easy)
- Kubernetes (not sure on what minimum version. Let's say 1.15+)
- DNS wildcard to resolve a subdomain. Used to help with SSO and forward Auth
- Add the helm repo:
helm repo add code_servers https://agracey.github.io/code_server_k8s_sso/
- Create a values file with at least the following fields:
OIDC_INGRESS: "https://<oauth_domain>" # The external address of the OIDC Provider
OIDC_CALLBACK: "https://ui.<domain>" # Set up with the OIDC Provider and DNS wildcard
OIDC_CLIENT_ID: "CODE" # Set up with the Oauth Provider
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: "12345" # Set up with the Oauth Provider
BASE_DOMAIN: "<domain>" # The domain with the wildcard
- Install with:
helm install code_servers/code-server-k8s -f values.yaml --name codeservers --namespace ide
- Browse to
to get redirected to a login.
NOTE: I'm working on SSL and switching to a non-root user next.