Blog assignments for Agron 590RD @ ISU.
- Fork this repo.
- Make your changes locally, including file name changes.
- Create a pull request to agron590-ISU/blog to officially turn in your assignment before 10pm on the due date.
- (If not yet done) Set up your fork with upstream. [directions]
- Pull from upstream to get new assignment
- Make your changes locally, including file name changes.
- Commit/push your changes to your fork.
- Create a pull request to agron590-ISU/blog to officially turn in your assignment before 10pm on the due date.
- Lather, rinse, repeat.
- Data nightmares - Due Aug. 31
- 10 rules - Due Sep. 7
- Relational DBs are dead, long live relational DBs! - Due Sep. 14
- What is "normal" anyways? - Due Sep. 21
- Tidy data - Due Sep. 28
- In the beginning... - Due Oct. 5
- SAC it to me! - Due Oct. 12
- Welcome to the tidyverse... - Due Oct. 19
- Grammar of Graphics - Due Oct. 26
- Dynamic documents - Due Nov. 2
- Literate programming - Due Nov. 9
- Reproducibility in practice - Due Nov. 18