Convert raster maps to OruxMaps format. Supports assignment of overview maps.
Input maps are read by GDAL (version >= 2) and converted to JPEG tiles. The maps are sorted by scale and an appropriate zoom level is assigned. Datum and projection strings are translated to OruxMap's format. I have included UTM and Gauss-Kruger. Feel free to add more. The code is a fork of map2rmap from QLandkarteGT by Oliver Eichler.
usage: map2oruxmaps -r <algo> -q <1..100> -s <411|422|444> -m <memory> -c -n <mapname> <file1> <file2> ... <fileN> <output directory>
-r Resampling algorithm (nearest, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode, gauss)
-q The JPEG quality from 1 to 100. Default is 75
-s The chroma subsampling. Default is 411
-m Sets GDAL_CACHEMAX memory (for big maps).
-c Crop all zoom levels to the base map.