- vim 7.3 (older versions don't support undofiles)
- git : to clone this repository
- hg (mercurial) : for the vim-addon-manager to retrieve some of the vim plugins
- curl or wget: to fetch the installation script.
- If you compiled vim manually, it should be configured with at least the following options *
- --enable-pythoninterp (for the powerline to work)
- --with-features=big (for multibyte/utf-8 support)
Make sure you have backed up your current .vim folder and .vimrc config file!
curl -LsS https://raw.github.com/ahluntang/vimconfig/master/install.sh | bash
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/ahluntang/vimconfig/master/install.sh -O - | bash
Now run vi/vim to install the vim-addon-manager and to retrieve the plugins using the vim-addon-manager. This requires hg for some plugins.
This config uses Powerline to enhance the statuslines in vim. For some symbols to work, you can use one of the patched fonts on https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts and change the font in the .vimrc file. By default, it uses PragmataPro by Fabrizio Schiavi.
See: https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager
To manage retrieve additional plugins for vim (Powerline, AutoComplPop, L9, indentLine)
See: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
Mode-dependent highlighting
Some other plugins it retrieves:
- AutoComplPop
- L9 (dependency for AutoComplPop)
- indentLine (requires
: Vim 7.3)
I have used this configuration/installer successfully on vim compiled on windows (cygwin) and centos with the following options:
./configure --disable-selinux --enable-rubyinterp --enable-pythoninterp --with-features=big
For windows users that don't want cygwin, this also works with Cream